Thanks for the rundown, that’s a good piece of information re: the NiMh batteries.
My Wifi coverage is excellent around the house. However, the BHyve Orbit timers will only talk to their BHyve hub. I bought one hub but I am not about to pay for another hub.This can greatly increase your Wi-Fi’s footprint:
It is simple to set up also. I highly recommend it.
After one year of use, one of the timers has a failed valve that just won't close. That has caused excessive watering, thankfully the trees were BCs so they were just happy as pigs in mud. My water bill was 3 times normal amount.I wound up with two 4 outlet Orbit Hyve XD hose timers connected to one BHyve hub. The connection strength of the BHyve hub isn't all that great so I had to play with locations of the hub in the house in order to connect to the hose timers, which are at different sides of the house.
Tubing wise I've used 200 ft of 1/2" and 500 ft of 1/4". 6 of the 8 zones are set up. For each zone I programmed the timers to start between 1 to 3 times a day depending on location and species. I don't have the camera set up to check the tree closely. The camera that I have just allows me to have a general look and decide whether or not what zone needs more water.
I used a variety of sprayers and emitters. Some are salvaged from past projects, some are new. My favorite are the Carpathen 100 emitters /sprayers kit I bought on Amazon. They are cheap and effective for me.
I discovered that the NiMH batteries are not suitable for hose timers. At the latter part of the battery life, the timer struggles to operate the valve. Since now I have read the battery life on my phone app, I switched to rechargeable Lithium batteries. The voltage stays at the right level much longer and the timers operate well with Li rechargeable batteries. Now my hose timers will have to compete with my guitars for rechargeable batteries