Imperial Masterpiece
Is the electrical tape easy to remove without harming the bark?
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Yes it is. I thought of using grafting tape but I couldn't find it in my shop so vinyl electrical tape it was. That tape has never harmed the bark before that I can remember. The thing about vinyl electrical tape is that it can be made to be water and vapor tight on fairly smooth trunks or branches. Can't leave it on too long but for healing of cuts it is mighty fine for me. As I mentioned before, I'll find out in 3-4 weeks. I probably will leave the tape on until spring to assure complete healing. After all that trunk was pretty much sawn to bits in that 2" segment.Does the electrical tape easy to remove without harming the bark?
My friends from Vietnam laughed at my feeble attempt and told me to cut bigger wedges next time. I will do that in the spring on the straight section of my other tamarind tree.Two weeks later and the trunk has already healed enough to remove the tape, a 1 mm layer of bark went with the tape just as you warned me @penumbra . I should have used the grafting tape. Not much harm done however. The tree has already thrown out lots of buds and is growing well.
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Potted todayTop of the tree died from the early frost. Thankfully the bottom is still alive. Tree was chopped down to where I find living tissues.
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