Still alive and looking ok, thanks for documenting this.
I was going to post a new random thread but this seems kind of relevant so hope you don't mind if I post here.
I'm thinking elongation is something you will probably have to work with on these trees, unless you find a method of controlling it but their habit is fast, long growth.
Funnily enough my windows resting screen has offered up this pic of Rainbows recently, I think it may illustrate some of their natural growth tendencies.
Honestly though I just thought it a cool picture.
View attachment 254813
I clicked the like what you see button and am now rewarded with more beautiful Euc pics.
And another bit of info I have stumbled upon is that there are two sp. or at least a subsp. whith E. deglupta....
The following is a quote from my go to Eucalyptus guy....
' There are two species of 'rainbow gums' - The well-known Eucalyptus deglupta, with dull, rounded leaves and waxy branchlets, and the closely-related but more commonly-planted E. binacag, with shiny, pointed leaves and non-waxy branchlets.
Unlike most eucalypts, neither species is indigenous to Australia, with E. deglupta native to Ceram, Sulawesi, New Guinea and far eastern New Britain, while E. binacag is native to the Philippines and much of New Britain.'