Cjr bald cypress work

I collected about the same amount but soon won’t be collecting BCs much anymore. Your work has been inspiring to me.
Thank you sir! I appreciate that! As you know, I collect and create trees differently than many of the other folks working with BC. Fortunately most folks seem to appreciate the results.
Thank you sir! I appreciate that! As you know, I collect and create trees differently than many of the other folks working with BC. Fortunately most folks seem to appreciate the results.
You and I have that "BC collection kinship" :)
As for your BC style, I have been looking at BC bonsai pictures on-line and am able to spot your work most of the time. I appreciate most the thinking out of the box and the drastic forced perspective you are able to create with your BC groups and forests.
That’s the grand plan.
crap, what's my last chance to get a tree with prominent flutes (shorter and thinner the trunk the better, but prominent flutes because they are magnificent) (planning on an upright single trunk)
Bottom split of a BC.
1. Leave the tree in tub to keep the tree stable. Make plunge cuts along the grain with a vibrating saw.
2. Use a bush knife and a hammer to finish the cuts through the trunk portion underground.
3. Take tree out of tub so the roots can move freely. Hammer in the wedges. Put tree back in tub and chopstick the soil into to roots.
4. Spray tree with insecticide to discourage them from nesting in the cracks.
5. Wrap the trunk around the crack to prevent drying out while the tree recovers.
6. Keep tree in shade for 2 weeks.

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Weeded and fertilize a BC forest. The plan remains the same for natural selection to take place. No training for the near future.
Working on Twinsies.
The tops were allowed to grow free for root development. It is time to cut all that back and encourage the lower branch to grow. The two tops will be chopped soon.
I’ve been a busy coonass for the last few days. Lots of trees to move for optimum sunlight and to carve the chops.
Had a bunch of healthy shoots at the original chop but I chose to use the old side branches for a flat top.
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I changed my mind this morning after looking at it for a few days. The apex is chopped down to just a few inches. I will select a new apex whenever the buds show up.
Broke apart two BC groups and formed a forest. The groups were grown specifically for this day. There is one tree on the back edge that will be chopped in the spring. Right now the trees will be left alone to recover.

The second biggest tree standing alone in the back left received a trunk split to improve its base.
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