Imperial Masterpiece
No chop stick.
Chop Trunk.
Bossnut got it right.
Soil is usually one of the first things we figure for ourselves, hence, all the soil threads....
I think by year 3, you have figured out your "soil", but that soil reacts differently when the trees are actually growing rather than dying from hackfest, and that takes another 2 or three years...
But yes....within that time you you pretty much figure out how to water the rest of the trees you acquire in different soil types just with a soul feeling.
There are times when you will sit at work hearing the wind blow, and(maybe not in the UK) feel the sun's heat, and you will know, shit, my "x" is going to need watering when I get home.
Haha haha.....
With your shit weather a chopstick won't dry out if you wave it around in the air for 2 days straight!
Your weather is so shitty, I couldn't keep a chopstick around or I'd want to poke myself in the eye!
Your weather is so shitty just DON'T water....Ever!
Your weather is so shitty trees don't grow leaves they grow sponges.
Your weather is so shitty, Darlene started a thread about how you'se repot before bud break, cuz it doesn't matter since the sun never comes out anyway!
Your weather so shitty, you should make a star shape out of chopsticks and hang it in the yard, light it on fire and pretend!
Your weather is so shitty, Vin was black before his vacation there.
Love ya Dashman!
I look forward to your growing season!
I can Not wait for you to be able to relax and get some enjoyment out of this thing!
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.
Keep rockin'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!