chopped honey locust

Joe Dupre'

Reaction score
Belle Rose, La.
I marked this honey locust early in the summer. It had been mowed more than once and the trunk was splintered and had some rotten spots. It had a fair amount of finger sized roots but really no small feeder roots. I chopped it way back and carved the splintered and rotten stuff down to cleaner wood. And, as they say "Now we wait.".

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Used to have a few of these in the yard as street trees at the old house. Will look forward to seeing how they respond as a bonsai subject!
Used to have a few of these in the yard as street trees at the old house. Will look forward to seeing how they respond as a bonsai subject!
I've had a couple in the past. The leaves reduce somewhat. I like the species because the foliage and dark red thorns make a good show. Gotta wear good gloves to prune them, though. :)
Had a huge 80' one in our old yard, loved that tree. Fast growing and yes the thorns are killers.
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