Thank you bro, so it's happening (on the branches it is) beginning of branch extending out. Was going to trim the tree up, should I now? Roots really don't smell and the tree is 95% covered. But some newer smaller leaves are yellowing as well. Used a moisture meter (which I never do) and it was slightly dry. Use a skewer and it's dry, rub the soil with my fingers, dry. I'm watering daily, probably just paranoid but I also want to make sure where I make cuts it'll grow out. A lot of the branches that weap are bare in the middle 4-6 nodes. Plan on cutting them today, where would be a good place to ensure the cuttings grow + the tree still grows?Remember earlier when some of us said that yellow leaves this time of year is normal for Chinese elm? It can be tempting to look for all manner of problems instead of accepting something way less sinister and natural is happening. There are lots of good fungi and many of them appear as white fluffy mold so while this could be bad it may not be. Hard to say for sure from this far away.
If it is a soil problem just letting the soil dry a little should allow the tree to recover but if you suspect the soil is now really bad or roots are bad it should be a good time of year to repot Chinese elm in NJ.
Some will say never repot a tree that is stressed but if bad soil or bad roots are what is causing stress then it makes sense to me to repot and remove the cause. Any trees I have had with root problems have recovered after repotting to rectify the causes.
There are so many possibilities with the info you have given it is hard to give really accurate advice.