Chinese elm need help


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Hello I’m new to bonsai. 3 days ago I received a Chinese elm tree and I was a little disappointed because the leaves were very thin through out the tree and there is constant yellowing on the leaves, any advice on how to make this bonsai flourish? I put the Chinese elm by the window which only gets 2 hours of light, I have also added a small grow light to the plant so it gets additional light. I’ve only watered it once since I got it. Please help thanks!


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I assume that you're in winter time now. I also got one similar to yours this year.
These trees should be dormant at this time of year, but they're greenhouse grown to be sold as gifts during Christmas time.
If yours is losing it's leaves, it may be going dormant.
I put mine under grow lights with my tropicals as soon as I could to keep it growing this winter, hoping that it will reset its seasonal clock over the coming growing season.
I would suggest to monitor soil moisture closely, try not to over water it. Don't worry about losing leaves for now, it will likely come back in spring.
I assume that you're in winter time now. I also got one similar to yours this year.
These trees should be dormant at this time of year, but they're greenhouse grown to be sold as gifts during Christmas time.
If yours is losing it's leaves, it may be going dormant.
I put mine under grow lights with my tropicals as soon as I could to keep it growing this winter, hoping that it will reset its seasonal clock over the coming growing season.
I would suggest to monitor soil moisture closely, try not to over water it. Don't worry about losing leaves for now, it will likely come back in spring.
Thanks bro
I have one that I received a few years ago in a similar fashion. The following year I left it outside over winter and it survived just fine. By the end of that winter inside, I think it had one leaf left. I was surprised when I put it outside in the spring and it "sprung."
@sydandcam Please let us know where you live. Best to add a location to your profile so it shows up each time you post. Location is very important for plants in general and bonsai in particular. Location lets us know if you have winter or summer so we can tell if something is normal or not. Leaving certain trees outside in winter might be OK in some places but may kill in others. Timing of many bonsai practices depends heavily on the local climate so location is very important.

I also think the lack of leaves is your tree is responding to winter. Some trees also drop leaves when they have a change of conditions - like from a nice bright, warm nursery to a dark, cool apartment window with only a couple of hours of light.
You need to be aware that despite the marketing, Chinese elms don't always do well indoors. Conditions need to be just right for them to thrive and, unfortunately, very few people can provide those conditions.. Much, much easier to grow them outdoors wherever possible.
Water the soil only when it gets close to dry. Need to check below the surface because sometimes the surface looks dry but below is still wet. When you do water the water needs to soak right down through the soil and out the bottom of the pot to help bring fresh air into the soil as well as water.
Good luck with your new tree.
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