Chinese Elm Mallsai

Alright, I am starting to reconsider this tree. I liked the whole cascade look, but I am thinking about something else. I would like to try a shohin with this tree. Could I chop it where I originally wanted to?
... I would like to try a shohin with this tree. Could I chop it where I originally wanted to?

I believe so, if it's in good health.

I would make sure it's in active growth, so it can start rebuilding immediately. And feed it well a week beforehand, so it's fueled up.
Thank you! I will do that. Chop it before buds swell correct?
I would chop at the first sign of bud swell: the tree's getting ready to take off at that point.

Then baby it. Carl Rosner makes an effective "ICU" from a cardboard box and plastic wrap. One-shot use, but very inexpensive and it does the job.

I'm not sure if Carl's on B-nut. If not, you can find him on Bonsai Vault.

Best wishes with the tree!
Actually, I think I am considering where you said I should Air Layer Tree Beard. The upper part of that layer would be a tiny mame (?). It may be hard to layer there though, ao I will have to cut out some branches. Thanks!
Buds are just starting to pop on my elms (this is in Southern California). I am going to start a few layers shortly. In Virginia, you guys are still digging out from the snow :)
Unless the tree is being kept inside :rolleyes:
Oh yes. 3 feet of snow to be exact. But, I haven't had school in 12 days :)
I chopped this tree, and I thought I had posted pics of it. I guess not. Here is the tree:


That pic was taken shortly after it was chopped, a month or two ago. There are still no signs of budding on this tree, but I recently placed a plastic bag over the pot to keep humidity in and hopefully get some buds to pop. The tree is alive, as I have done scratch tests. So I can only hope for buds to pop.

Chinese elms are tough. Hang in there with it.

The plastic humidity cover is a good idea. Just one question, no offense intended: you're keeping it out of direct sun, right? I once killed a desert plant by enclosing it in plastic for a week and leaving it where it got a couple of hours of morning sun! :(
Shoo, I never saw this reply. Sorry about that. But unfortunately I lost this tree. It never budded back and it is no longer green under the bark. It probably did get too much sunlight. Oh well. I'll see if I can find another mallsai like it and do the same with it. Thanks!
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