My father got a (8") CE bonsai as a gift around Nov 22nd, and it started dropping leaves. He put it in his ENE facing bay window It's probably around 55 F/13 C -ish, being close to the window and all. It looks to be in a fairly peaty/sandy soil mix. He watered it once a week. I'm going to pick it up tonight and see if I can save it (he really doesn't want it if it is a "fussy" plant, I'll probably get to keep it!).
I'm going to pop it out of the pot and check for root issues, but I'm a newbie myself and not familiar with CE. I'm downloading and printing care sheets, but thought I'd ask.
My questions are:
Will they drop leaves because of cooler temps?
Will they drop leaves due to not enough light?
Will they drop leaves if conditions change too much?
Soil? boons mix? (I have akadama, punmice, lava, turface, haydite, Diatomaceous Earth, Grani-grit& Pine)
If there is root rot should I repot immediately? or try to stabilize it in it's existing soil, and repot after it gains strength?
Thanks in advance.
I'm going to pop it out of the pot and check for root issues, but I'm a newbie myself and not familiar with CE. I'm downloading and printing care sheets, but thought I'd ask.
My questions are:
Will they drop leaves because of cooler temps?
Will they drop leaves due to not enough light?
Will they drop leaves if conditions change too much?
Soil? boons mix? (I have akadama, punmice, lava, turface, haydite, Diatomaceous Earth, Grani-grit& Pine)
If there is root rot should I repot immediately? or try to stabilize it in it's existing soil, and repot after it gains strength?
Thanks in advance.