Found these two Atlantic White Cypress trees for $14 each and thought they had some great potential. I haven't been able to find a ton of info on them from a bonsai perspective, but it seems like I can treat them similar to Hinoki, looking for all feedback here. They seem to have pretty tight foliage but the trunks and taper are where I saw a lot of promise; one might make a nice formal upright and the other has a lot of movement. I don't have any before pictures but removed about 40% of foliage to allow light to get towards the inner branches as it sounds like these do not backbud easily. Tons of healthy roots and they were actually in halfway decent soil but almost pushing themselves out of the pots, not exactly rootbound. I repotted one in better soil, only removed maybe 20% of roots and might wait for the other one as I am hesitant to do too much on both and kill them quickly. Feedback and thoughts appreciated, especially on this cultivar!