Central Cal. Bonsai Swap meet

bonsai barry

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Cental Coast of California
It seems to me that there was a bonsai swap meet in Fresno about this time last year. Any plans for one this year? If so, is it open invitation?
You missed it in Sept.
Actually Barry your memory is on target. The swap meet was in December in 2008, essentially a year ago. For 2009 our club moved it to September, so it already happened. Even I missed it. I had some sort of time conflict. Next year the date will be tweaked again. I forgot what the final decision was. We are trying to avoid conflicts with convention, holidays, and foggy conditions (like 2008)brrrrr.

I'll make sure Al posts something (he he).
From our club calendar
12/04: 4th Annual Bonsai Yard Sale
I assume it is the same location but I havn't been to a meeting this season so I can't be certain.
12-4-10 same place more info to follow.
Here ya go....


I will be selling a lot. Not material, but some pretty decent styled bonsai. Thinning the herd.

There will be a few pieces of just material I think. Pots too, as well as some stones and a few scrolls.
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I talked to the host last Wednesday. He said he had people from all over the state calling and wishing to sell and buy. There is a pot person from the bay area coming that is new. There will be stones, pots, material, and bonsai for sale.

Looks to be a very good turnout this year. Good bargains for sure. I had four Ca. junipers for sale two years ago and sold them all in an hour. I only have one this year. It will be a challenge for someone, but there is a tree in there. Don't make me bring it home and work on it!

Sale should get going around 8:30...nineish. Come early for best bargains.

If you plan on selling bring your own tables.

I just hope I'm well enough by then....stayed home from work today. Been sick since Wednesday with a sinus infection. On penicillin now so should be good by then.

Be there or be without a new tree!
Sounds like a good day .I am getting my stuff together.Hope to see lots of Bonsai friends.
Dec. 3rd, 2011.

Be there same bat place, same bat time.

Gonna have some killer stuff this year for sale.

Might show a pic of this years stuff in this thread. Might tease some of you right coaster's with some prices. Too bad you live so far away, this is one hell of a swap meet. Gets larger every year. problem is we get so many sellers and not enough buyers.

We need more buyers, so come on Cal. buy some gas and come down for a great day of bonsai and food at incredibale prices.
Here is a sample of some of the stuff I'm gonna get rid of. This is the stuff I'm willing to part with, you know, the stuff you bought that was good but never developed it, so now I'm willing to let someone else have some fun with it.

This Cal. juniper is in my back yard. In a mica drum pot, weighs like 80 pounds. The tree is about 5 inches across at the base and it is around 4 feet tall, or where ever someone wishes to cut it back to.

It is double trunked, and has had wire on it way in the past. Dug around 2004, well established as can be seen by the canes.



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This elm has a good start on becoming a cascade. It is about 1 inch across at the base and has a good start but needs some work developing some good branch structure which it lacks.

The bones are there though.....$40.00?


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This old foemina juniper is a tree that I left out of my group planting because I thought it was better as a stand alone tree. It is about 2 inches across at the base and stands about 36 inches tall maybe a little taller I don't remember.

One of the first trees I purchased in 1984. Nice Japanese pot with indented corners. Pot alone is worth $100.00.



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The shimpaku is a smallish tree. Has a 3/4 trunk that splits into two trunks. Both trunks are rather contorted which is what drew me to it. My intention was to use this on a rock and squash it like the yamadori style as the long branches are rather thin still. About 14 inches tall.

The dead wood pomagranite is interesting but I hate them so much I have no interest to work on it. have no idea why I bought it except for the dead wood. Trunk is justtt shy of 2 inches across. About 10 inches tall.

$25.00 a piece.


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