Nonsense Rascal
Buy the Ginkgo too!
One full sized tree like that,I would just dig a hole and bury the bucket then mulch over the soil in the bucket. It will be fine.So do I have to cover the whole pot in mulch? I've also heard about people keeping bonsai in the garage, would that work or do they need light in the winter?
If it fits under the roof. Just make sure your trees out there don't dry out.Would the garage work
Take it from me. There are worse things that can happen to your trees in winter than the cold.I dont want to lose my babies because i didnt protect them!
I forget which member posted this but a mixture of peanut butter and concrete to kill them. GrimLore turned me onto a product that repels them called Molemax. Plus my enclosure will be a big cube built out of 2x4s and 1/4" hardware cloth.I wonder if theres anything i could do to keep them out of the garage. I use hot shot pest strips for bugs and they work magic. But idk about rodents and such