Can you wedge cut a hinoki?


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Raleigh, NC
I have a hinoki that I wanted to add a bend on a younger trunk. Do they take well to wedge cuts?
If its young enough, just get the heavy copper wire and wire it up.....maybe some raffia underneath for extra support....?
Are you sure you need to do a wedge cut at all?
If the trunk is "young" it might be bendable with wiring and raffia.

Post a picture of the tree so we can see what you're talking about
"Wedge cuts" are more a poor idea that seems useful than a worthy tactic.

Like that Diet Coke to go along with the 3 BigMacs instead of eliminating the BigMacs.

In your opinion. So is drug addiction and alcoholism. You have a point?

A lot of people died building the Brooklyn bridge, we don't build like that anymore.

I place the "it will work", both horticulturally and aesthetically under 50%, which makes it a waste of time for me.

If the hort difficulty was greater, but the aesthetic would be nailed easily, it would be more worth the risk.

I have never seen anything in nature that looks like a "wedge cut", I just don't see it working aesthetically. Hidden in branches to place foliage in better places, sure. Not trunk movement though.

I could change my mind if I ever saw one executed well.

But then I would still figure it easier, less risky, to find a trunk with movement already.

This falls into this very strongly held idea I have that....we put too much energy into working one tree into one vision... forcefully, using much energy, when we can easier be patient, work with each tree individually for what it could best be, expending less energy, and eventually having everything our hearts desire.

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