Can you identify this tree?

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I purchased some trees from a gentleman who was liquidating most of his collection. I bought some neglected elms, a shimpaku and procumbens juniper. He also had a collected juniper of which he had no idea what it was or where it was collected from. He was given it by an old club member and had it in his possession for over a decade. Never doing anything with it because it always seemed to be not very healthy. Always growing but many times shedding its growth after two years. I’m wondering if anyone can help identify it. Seems to be growing fairly healthy now. IMG_8432.jpegIMG_8433.jpegIMG_8418.jpegIMG_8417.jpeg
Where are you from? Looks like Juniperus Virginiana (Eastern Red Cedar) to me.
In Wisconsin, which could easily be collected around here. This guy was a OG in the bonsai game in the twin cities. Used to travel all over the country buying and selling trees. And people used to sell trees to him all the time if they were moving or couldn’t take care of them anymore. He had some Virginiana and didn’t indicate he thought this was one
It's going to be hard to get a definite ID on this. It's a juniper with soft foliage. There are a lot of varieties and the foliage all look similar.
Thank you, I guess whatever it is I’ll try to bonsai it at some point. I didn’t even go to his house to buy junipers. When he said he had a cork bark elm I high tailed it over. I ended up leaving with 3 junipers, 3 elms and a shishigashira maple he had used as mother stock..
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