California Juniper care


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Southern California
I recently acquired a California Juniper after dreaming of having one since I started this adventure close to 20yrs ago. I have been searching forums for how to properly care for them. I found numerous posts on how to collect, what type of soil etc, but none really on trimming & day to day care. I just want to make sure that I give this old guy the upmost care that he deserves.

If anyone know's of any resources where I can find out additional information I would appreciate it.

Basically if it's in a bonsai pot in good soil it doesn't really need much special care. This is for an established bonsai not one recently collected. They take full sun- if you are in a desert or valley area they won't mind a bit of afternoon shade. Water thoroughly and let pretty much dry before watering again- they don't tolerate wet feet. If already shaped simply prune new growth the extends from desired silhouette, with scissors do not pinch with fingers as needed throughout the year. LAte spring or early fall is a good time to clean out crotch growth , stuff growing down etc.. Very often in late spring they will shed a lot of old needles- this can be disconcerting the first few times. I usually clean out after this- sometimes you need some of the new crotch growth to replaced shed foliage . I fertilize mine from Jan- July stop in summer then again in late Sept through Nov. Some do less. I repot them every 3-4 years. Pretty much treat like any other Juniper bonsai if established. Hope this helps.
Thank you Bob for your valuable insight, I appreciate it. I was curious about the pinching if it just needed cut as you said or pinched so thank you for answering that. The tree was dug then allowed to recover but hasn't been styled as of yet. I will post up some pictures when I can. Hopefully if everything works out this year I will be able to go collect some for myself, this this will be a good learning tool on them.

I have been wanting to come to your place for a while now, hopefully I will make it out there in the next few weeks.
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