I have a burtt davi ficus that has a few yellow leaves. I noticed seveal roots out of the pot and at closer insepction was not totally root bond but close. The soil was not wet but damp. What could have caused these yellow leaves?
I have several types of Ficus, but not the Burtt davi. The times I see yellow leaves appear is either when they are wet for too long or they are not getting enough light. Another sign in Ficus of too much moisture can be the leaves curling up or closing, I have seen that too but leaves turning yellow usually means either too wet or not enough light. Its a good idea to allow them to dry out at least once a week, this has always worked for me. When I have seen yellow leaves I remove them, when there are a lot of roots they retain moisture longer believe it or not, its like they either hold water or the air can not dry them out as easily with the extra roots. I had an old banyan ficus that was really rootbound in a small pot, it seemed to like it, when several leaves turned yellow I let it dry for two days and turned the pot over and tapped it while holding the trunk area to remove it from the pot to see about trimming the roots, the bottom of the roots were still very wet after two days outside with no water. I put a layer of green aquarium gravel I had at the time on the bottom of the pot maybe a quarter of an inch thick and replaced the plant as the roots were nearly a solid mass and I did not know where or even if I should cut them. This worked like a charm and the plant did not show any yellow leaves for the next year and a half until it walked away one day.