Browning on Juniper


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Neenah, WI
Any opinions on what is wrong with my Juniper Bonsai and if it is savable?

I have had this tree for a little less than a year. Got it from Brussel's as a birthday gift last August and now that the spring time has rolled around it is starting to brown on all of the edges. I did keep it outside all year during winter with winter protection with minimal watering only when the soil was SUPER dry

I am suspect that it might have root rot and needed/needs to be repotted, however the water does drain fine out of the pot.

Any help or advice is MUCH appreciated


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Yeah I agree that tree looks toasted. I think it is common for problems like that to reveal itself coming out of winter. I have a juniper like that and keep it constantly moist and it is thriving. In winter I have it buried in mulch which holds the moisture and if it appears dry I'll water just a little bit still kept moist. Although it stays frozen most of the winter so no worries to need water. I hope you can try again with another one.
If you are using open, inorganic soil, it's almost impossible to overwater and get root rot
Ahhh the complete opposite of what I thought. Live and you learn
I appreciate the input from y'all. Need to water more often!
If you are using open, inorganic soil, it's almost impossible to overwater and get root rot
I've even read about that in some books and when looking through some threads on here but for some reason I take advice from random sites online :rolleyes:😅
Any opinions on what is wrong with my Juniper Bonsai and if it is savable?

I have had this tree for a little less than a year. Got it from Brussel's as a birthday gift last August and now that the spring time has rolled around it is starting to brown on all of the edges. I did keep it outside all year during winter with winter protection with minimal watering only when the soil was SUPER dry

I am suspect that it might have root rot and needed/needs to be repotted, however the water does drain fine out of the pot.

Any help or advice is MUCH appreciated
OVER OR UNDER WATERING, KIMURA couldn't bring that to life. But persevere buy young saplings and as many books as you can, with young saplings you decide how big they will be, what branches are kept etc, to get fatter trunks plant them in your flower bed for 5 years, you will have to do a few trunk chops. After a few years you can prune back all the branches in it's 5th year, just as they come out of dormancy dig them up, check the NEBARI and decide from there which will be your front, main branchand follow theDesign rules. Do nothing to the Trees in regards to it eventually being a Bonsai, let it grow freely cut the branches back and Trunk Chop every 2 years, you will not believe that that 5 years ago you planted 2/3 year old saplings as their size fools the eye into thinking they are much older. I have to dig 3 out of my parents flower borders as I live in a Flat I could only achieve growing a Tree with the size of Trunk my Trees hve gained by using very large growing containers an perhaps wait 8-10 years before the Trunks get to the size of Trees with unrestricted growth. In my 1st year I must have lost 100 saplings untilI learnt how and when to Water.
Don't give up, Having a Juniper as your first Bonsai and no preveous experience is asking a lot to keep it healthy and thriving so start with Deciduous trees.

Best of luck,

Looks like you underwatered it, the soil should never dry out and water till it runs out of pot drainage holes. "
minimal watering only when the soil was SUPER dry" only tropical bonsai should be kept inside in cold periods, I see a lot of Bonsai Centres selling Chinese Elms as INDOOR BONSAI mine only get placed in an unheated green house.
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