Imperial Masterpiece
Whatever the species, starting from nursery stock in a worrkshop will very unlikely produce anything worth displaying at an exhibition.
Such workshops are for people to learn, and I suppose that they're not all pros. And choosing the right placement on a slab, selecting trees that will in the future show what a "forest is" is the aim. I think that the aim was reached there.
The seven trunks are well-placed, the lines of the branches show some harmony, and in a few years'time it will look very nice.
Such workshops are for people to learn, and I suppose that they're not all pros. And choosing the right placement on a slab, selecting trees that will in the future show what a "forest is" is the aim. I think that the aim was reached there.
The seven trunks are well-placed, the lines of the branches show some harmony, and in a few years'time it will look very nice.