Boxwood Forest

Whatever the species, starting from nursery stock in a worrkshop will very unlikely produce anything worth displaying at an exhibition.

Such workshops are for people to learn, and I suppose that they're not all pros. And choosing the right placement on a slab, selecting trees that will in the future show what a "forest is" is the aim. I think that the aim was reached there.

The seven trunks are well-placed, the lines of the branches show some harmony, and in a few years'time it will look very nice.
Unlucky number/associated with death is what I was told in Japan....seems to be very lucky in China.
I thought four was the unlucky death number so they have two ways to say it "yon" vs "shee"? and I and everyone else knows that's a lie! 😂😂😂 You have mad bonsai skills!

Very nice comment. Wildly incorrect, but appreciated all the same! 🤣 🤣 🤣 My journey wasn't really about the end product, if that makes sense. More about things "needed" in bonsai that I believe enhance your character. So I can check the box on that one. I think....:D:D:D:D

As mentioned earlier, a bit of wire action could "clean things up". I would wait until it's settled in and stable, though.
In lieu of rocks/kitsch, how about some "live" ground cover. Have you seen some of Wally Pall's planting? That "hen&chick" looking stuff. Maybe something native and horticulturally compatible with Boxwood?

Be proud of your effort and the stones to show...👐
Be proud of your effort and the stones to show...
I have no problems showing good-bad-indifferent as my past posts can attest. I appreciate the constructive feedback-ignore the flame throwers (for the most part) and try to improve my skill set by learning from others.
I did put some live moss on the surface which is new for me. I like it but almost impossible to keep alive in the summer around here.
Very unimpressed.....not even remotely looking like a Forest, just nice looking Boxwood stuck on a Slab....
You arrogant jerk. Instead of insulting this man, who happens to be a military veteran, and continues to help and serve people from young to old, try and remember that no one is perfect when they start something new. Either try and be a decent person and give advice and tips on how to improve, as most other members of this site do, or keep your mouth shut.
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