Box Store Zelkova


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I am fairly new to bonsai and I found this zelkova at my local box store. It is on clearance so it is only $25. The trunk is thick at the base. First branch is 3-4 feet above the base. I was thinking trunk chopping down to 6 or 8 inch and hoping to get back budding and a new leader. Will this work on this species? Is it worth picking up? Other suggestions?

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You could...

But I wouldn't. Not that the technique doesn't work, it's that it's already grafted, and the trunk is not straight at the base. What you want is a straight, smooth base with lateral nebari.
It is difficult for me to imagine why any grower would graft zelkova.

Regardless, I'm finding zelkova to be frustratingly slow to thicken in pots (maybe it is my cool climate that is to blame). If you want to learn how to air-layer, it might be worth your $25. It is probably too late to do it this year but you could next spring (after reading about the Science of Air Layering right here on BNut). In fact, you could make a small collection of trees next year from this one. Alternatively, you can probably find a bundle of 10 or so one-year-old saplings for about this same money.
You could...

But I wouldn't. Not that the technique doesn't work, it's that it's already grafted, and the trunk is not straight at the base. What you want is a straight, smooth base with lateral nebari.

I didn't even notice the graft mark. I see what you mean. That is why I asked.

I'm with 0so!

For 25$ could layer a bitchin straight trunk off every year and sell it for about that much to support your habit.

Your Habit...
It is worse than crack.

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