Book Review: "Vision of My Soul" by Robert Steven

I'm waiting for 2 books: "Vision of my soul" and "Mission of Transformation" which will arrive to my home tomorrow. Yaeh! :)
Chris, I think I will pass on Mission of Transformation. The pixilated images would be irritating, among other things.
My problem with the book, both of them, is that most of the trees featured are one particular plant that seems to be quite common where Robert hunts yamadori. I think I would find the book much more interesting if there was a variety of trees which would require different techniques to deal with.
Artistic techniques can indeed vary with tropical and temperate species.

Half of the reason I'm pretty much uninterested in these books is that they deal mostly with tropical species I can't really relate to. Yeah, they're gorgeous trees, but they just don't "do it" for me. I have no emotional connection to them--kinda like a Picasso painting--everyone says it's beautiful (and it is), but give me a Norman Rockwell any day...
That is fair.
I appreciate your reasons and I really appreciate that you don't tear anybody down for liking the book. As you say, Picasso vs. Rockwell. Pretty easy to respect that!
"Nepotism much?"

Weeellll, yeah, there is a bias there...:D
I have no emotional connection to them--kinda like a Picasso painting--everyone says it's beautiful (and it is), but give me a Norman Rockwell any day...

Man, ain't that true. I would sell the one Picasso that I own, and buy 10 Rockwells with the money. But I would enjoy looking at them every day, instead of keeping the Picasso loked up somewhere in a bank safe.
Vision of my soul for sale

If anyone is interested, I am selling my copy. It is in like new condition and will sell for $38 including shipping. That is cheaper than Amazon (which is where I will list it if no one on here wants it.)

PM me if interested. I like the book but money is tight these days being unemployed.
If anyone is interested, I am selling my copy. It is in like new condition and will sell for $38 including shipping. That is cheaper than Amazon (which is where I will list it if no one on here wants it.)

PM me if interested. I like the book but money is tight these days being unemployed.

First Edition? or second?
I've been spending some time with Robert Steven's first excellent work lately. I'm not a big fan of collecting beautifully bound or first-edition books. Some people live for this, others enjoy it, and that's fine for them. For my money, though, the only value of a book as such is the information and message conveyed therein. That's what stands the test of time.

I've read other reviews of this book from the adorers (Will Heath and Rick Moquin) to those with a less idealistic view (unnamed). These were all reviews of the limited first edition with the special silver-leaf binding, and as such, a portion of their reviews were about the book itself as a work of art. The second edition is softback, and while still a handsome book, much of the distraction of the "coffee-table book" nature of the first edition has been done away with. This suits my temperament perfectly. Let's look at the content without all the distraction.

You can find the whole review at Bonsai Study Group and at my blog, both linked in my signature.

hi there

saw this post in 2024 - new into bonsai

searching for books very limited finds

where can I find this Artistic Foundations of Bonsai Design by AR, says ebook but website is down
anyone know if there is a downloadable pdf or print book

bonsai nut is amazing so much I have leant in such a short whiel

thnaks folks
happy new year
jatt in NY USA
Interesting all the elements of bonsai - line form texture depth flow story, resonate with viewers visual ./ value point of interest ! asymmetry etc = are same as in photography and perhaps all art forms
hi there

saw this post in 2024 - new into bonsai

searching for books very limited finds

where can I find this Artistic Foundations of Bonsai Design by AR, says ebook but website is down
anyone know if there is a downloadable pdf or print book

bonsai nut is amazing so much I have leant in such a short whiel

thnaks folks
happy new year
jatt in NY USA
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