Bonsai Books 2021

...another book nerd here... hard to narrow things down to three... so ok, short of Azalea books in which would take up the top three.

Bonsai, it’s art, history and philosophy. Debrah R. Koreshoff
Understanding Bonsai. Pieter Loubser (the older one)
Bonsai Heresay Michael Hagedorn. although Post Dated is a lot of fun reading!

... a future top three inclusion will be my Principles of Bonsai Design. David de Groot.... when I get a couple more bonsai years under my belt and the design element will be much more in my face in my work vs theory. Not saying it’s not high in the list though. Right now I’m pretty far down the propagation ladder with most of my trees. The decision to leave Dave off the list is actually pretty funny as I work on all the trees Dave once took care of at PBM weekly, yet mostly I do maintenance and rehab vs design.

DSD sends
I was! Great book (from what I've read) - yet to finish, had a busy time recently. Definitely recommend
May I ask how you contacted DeGroot? I’ve tried and been unsuccessful.
Just in from Dave….

The first printing is done and will not be repeated. I just sent 5 books to Wayne Schoech at Stone Lantern Bonsai, which he should get by next Friday.
I am currently working on a reprinting of the book, which is being planned as a complete but soft cover version. It will probably be several months before that can be brought to market.
In the meantime, check with Wayne at Stone Lantern.

good luck,
DSD sends
Just in from Dave….

The first printing is done and will not be repeated. I just sent 5 books to Wayne Schoech at Stone Lantern Bonsai, which he should get by next Friday.
I am currently working on a reprinting of the book, which is being planned as a complete but soft cover version. It will probably be several months before that can be brought to market.
In the meantime, check with Wayne at Stone Lantern.

good luck,
DSD sends
Makes me sad they have it listed for $100, 170% higher than the $37.50 it originally sold for. Thankful he’s working on a second printing!
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