Blue Rug Juniper


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Western NC
I got this tree in September of 2013 from the "emergency ward" at a local nursery. Someone had tried to lift it in its pot by its trunk and had yanked it out of the soil, ripping away a lot of root. The nursery folks had jammed it back into the pot and dragged it to the back of the lot.

It is a very small, neighborhood nursery catering to Millennials and is normally expensive. This wasn't.

Anyway, I lifted it carefully and immediately repotted, same pot, no root work, but in nearly 100% Turface. It has been sitting there till last Sunday, with only a little bit of trimming done to it every now and then.

I got it for its trunk -- nice taper, pretty good movement, old bark -- but beyond that had no idea what I was going to do with it. Arthur Joura came to our club for his annual "fix your tree" critique last Sunday, and made some suggestions.

First picture is the tree fresh from the nursery. Second pic is the start of following up on Arthur's suggestions. A slight change in planting angle will be required, I think. The jury is still out . . .


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    chinensis 9-13 e.JPG
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Very nice Jim. The only blue rug junipers I see are low,low laying ground cover specimens.
Interesting material, Jimbo......really graceful trunk line. I'm wondering if, as it fills in, you will feel it has too many branches? The tree seems to lend itself to a style featuring sparse branching. I suppose the health of the tree should be considered first, before one removes too much foliage. Excess branches surely can be removed later. Are you thinking of leaning it further to the viewers right? Nice first styling and look forward to your updates for the next decade!!!!:)
The bush looks non-blue ruggish.
Nice first styling and look forward to your updates for the next decade

Thanks all. I'd love that!

I think this will end up being close to a sturdy literati-type tree, so yes, fewer branches. But not now. I took a LOT off.
The vision of 5 years down the line in an exquisite pot is startling. Thanks for sharing Jim and keep us up to date. It seems that many of our best trees were mistreated and on deaths door.
I think this will make for a really nice tree in time.
Nice save.
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