Best way to cleans sap off of tools


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Indiana (Zone 6a)
I haven't done much cutting on pines. Tonight I removed a few branches on a pine and the tools I used had a bit of sticky sap on them. What's the best way to remove it? Dish soap didn't seem to do much.
rubbing alcohol as it safe to work with and does a great job
Kathy Shaner says mayonaise. I haven't ever tried it, but she should know. Sounds crazy to me...
Mayonnaise certainly removes sap effectively from skin! And less toxic than paint thinner or turp. I remember when I first heard it I thought "no way", but it works really well. Haven't tried it on tools but I would think it would work there as well.
I use a fine grit Sandflex block to clean tools, along with rubbing alcohol, and apply a light 3-1 oil.

Mayo works well to get sap off hands; I keep a few packets in my tool bag. It's gross but effective. I've heard vegetable oil works too.
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Use turpentine. It is cleaning itself, since it is made from pine sap. Dissolves sap immediately. NO residue.
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