Best of luck to all members in the path of Ida


Imperial Masterpiece
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I wish all if us in the path of Ida well. She has potential to be devastating. If I can be of assistance let me know. I do have some experience with storm preparation.
I wish all if us in the path of Ida well. She has potential to be devastating. If I can be of assistance let me know. I do have some experience with storm preparation.
Are you still in LA or moved?
I wish nothing but the best for you guys down south, as a NOLA native my self (grew up in the West Bank) I've been through all kinds of hurricanes and such and its terrifying. Need to give my mom a call tomorrow to check on her as she still living there.

Wipe out Washington!

Only Crooks!

My God!
What are they doing? No mandatory evacuation means no loss of use and additional living expenses pay from insurance company. This decision benefits no one but the insurance companies!

Some of us may not understand this if you have not had to deal with insurance after a storm. This traumatizes me greatly. I have watched people becoming destitute from these kind of decisions. If Ida comes into New Orleans as a category 4, this decision will be historic.
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Well it’s like @sorce said it’s a crooked world, they may tell you they you matter but unless someone is making money you don’t mean jack to the higher beings. Hope you guys stay safe and have a place you can retreat to if it’s real bad.
And Kanye said Bush doesn't like Black people!

This SOB hates black people, even though he probably doesn't remember it half the time.

I missed this thread and posted one in the tea house just now.

Hope everyone is OK down there.
The storm we faced last week up here was a wimp compared to Ida. Cat 4 is no joke.
Thank you for your kind thoughts. I worry about Billsbayou and others down there.

This was Port Fourchon yesterday and pretty much my house last year.
So awful what you and others have had to go thru, and so soon after the last one.
And Kanye said Bush doesn't like Black people!

This SOB hates black people, even though he probably doesn't remember it half the time.

Going off the rails again I see... This is a thread about a horrible storm not your rantings.
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