Beech hedge, 60+ years old

Ohh boy, I couldn’t agree more. I picked up an inexpensive, battery powered one just for collecting trees. I’ve since added a backup battery and 12” blades. I recommend some gloves, sharp shovels, pinch point bar (wrecker bar), come along, hand saw and a reciprocating saw. @FinnLakk Maybe, you can bribe someone else to help you as well? Good luck! That’s cool looking material.
Will definitely be picking up a reciprocating saw in future for collecting, budget is non existent for this project so the hand saw will have to do... Even if some of these tap roots are as thick as the trunks 🙃 Luckily the soil is just years and years worth ofcomposted beech leaves so its extremely easy going, just digging with a root hook and my hands for 95% of it.
Two great ones collected todayIMG_20220317_185004.jpg
Not very many roots on this one, nice bit of natural deadwood.
This one had a large branch hanging off that was filling the trunk with rot, removed the branch cleaned it all off and covered with cut paste.

If these survive I think they'll make gorgeous trees as they are(some branch selection and maybe a little more hacking back once they are healthy is needed) for a good few years and once out grown there's massive potential for air layerings
Nice! Way to get after it.
A 3 lb mattock is nice to have, if there is room to swing it.
Nice haul, we're all rooting for them to survive.

Maybe collect a few in autumn as well and let us know which season was more successful...
Nice haul, we're all rooting for them to survive.

Maybe collect a few in autumn as well and let us know which season was more successful...
I would love to but now he's not got the logistics of getting trees out to worry about he's already started ordering shit for his driveway, if I don't get them out now they'll be ripped out with a digger ☹️
Nice! Way to get after it.
A 3 lb mattock is nice to have, if there is room to swing it.
Added to the list for future. Couldn't have been any luckier with getting thee out, not a stone in sight just nice fluffy earth, only needed a root hook, saw and some clippers!
I would love to but now he's not got the logistics of getting trees out to worry about he's already started ordering shit for his driveway, if I don't get them out now they'll be ripped out with a digger ☹️
Um, err, hindsight is 20/20, but, I would have waited for the digger-provided he could schedule it soon enough. Would have made the whole process easier and potentially better for the trees...
Um, err, hindsight is 20/20, but, I would have waited for the digger-provided he could schedule it soon enough. Would have made the whole process easier and potentially better for the trees...
Well that was the main issue, driveways going in ",sometime before September". So whenever he has a quiet week at work to take off, and I didn't fancy trying to do this in the middle of summer. + I've been off work past week which allowed me to take my time and figure it all out as these were my first

Not sure digger would have been better off for the trees. My brother's a groundworker rather than landscaper so they don't have any attachments for gently removing trees, just ripping them out 😂 unless I'm missing something obvious?
Well that was the main issue, driveways going in ",sometime before September". So whenever he has a quiet week at work to take off, and I didn't fancy trying to do this in the middle of summer. + I've been off work past week which allowed me to take my time and figure it all out as these were my first

Not sure digger would have been better off for the trees. My brother's a groundworker rather than landscaper so they don't have any attachments for gently removing trees, just ripping them out 😂 unless I'm missing something obvious?
I've seen 200 year old boxwood scraped up with a bulldozer that were perfectly salvageable even with entire root it's all relative...If you're friends with the operator, yeah, it's A LOT easier and gentler on the trees. Don't have to be brutal if you go slow on a couple...

If they're not going to be doing it anytime soon, then you really can't wait, though.
I've seen 200 year old boxwood scraped up with a bulldozer that were perfectly salvageable even with entire root it's all relative...If you're friends with the operator, yeah, it's A LOT easier and gentler on the trees. Don't have to be brutal if you go slow on a couple...

If they're not going to be doing it anytime soon, then you really can't wait, though.
Definitely will keep that in mind for future. He's also gonnaa be bringing me anything he does end up digging up at work so more free trees!

I got a boxwood as my first, I don't think I could kill it if I tried 😂 i guess I have tried as I didn't have a clue what I was doing with it chopped all the foliage off, ripped off 95% of the roots, then forgot to water it for nearly a week and it's still alive
So being back at work and this cold snap delayed collecting the rest. My brother's just come round and dumped them after digging them out with the excavator. Some interesting ones here, and you'll besll able to see why I had reservations about the diesel powered options 😂
Well for some reason the pictures never attached... Been out in the pishing rain all day sorting these out so I'll get them posted later once I'm showered and fed. Maybe tomorrow if the beds calling my name.
I have no idea what shipping/customs would be like but if doable, any for sale to us yanks? I have an Alabama address I could ship to if shipping to Florida is a problem. Just asking. I know it could be a major pain in the ass.
I have no idea what shipping/customs would be like but if doable, any for sale to us yanks? I have an Alabama address I could ship to if shipping to Florida is a problem. Just asking. I know it could be a major pain in the ass.
Some of them will for sure be getting sold if they all survive.

I have no idea about logistics for getting tress shipped in UK let alone across the pond, if it's doable I wouldn't be against it.

Obviously I wouldn't be able to guarantee the survival of it on its journey. I've heard horror stories about the way they quarantine imported plant material though, I'm sure it's been the reason for the death of many an imported material.
Just do not ship across country borders unless it is highly special material. This is not special enough; You will have access to this material in USA too.

Make sure you fill these pots up further than what you have. You need an as stable "climate" in the pot as possible. (I would not have used pond baskets for this reason too; You are after getting every root to grow, not great to start off killing the roottips)
Make sure you fill these pots up further than what you have. You need an as stable "climate" in the pot as possible. (I would not have used pond baskets for this reason too; You are after getting every root to grow, not great to start off killing the roottips)
Thanks for the info. More soil is on the way, I've not quite mastered the working out stage of how much I will need.

As for the pond baskets they will be getting buried, just had to plan out the crop rotation for the veggies going in the rest of the patch first. I'm hoping that will mitigate the issue you brought up whilst still allowing a more aerated soil than would have been if they went straight back into the ground.
Do not ship across country borders unless it is highly special material.
I thought that would have been the case. I'm sure someone over there will be growing beech to a higher standard than this material, be it European or American, once shipping and risk is factored in almost definitely cheaper too.
I have no idea what shipping/customs would be like but if doable, any for sale to us yanks? I have an Alabama address I could ship to if shipping to Florida is a problem. Just asking. I know it could be a major pain in the ass.
Major pain in the ass is an understatement, unless you're willing to pay for quarantine care for two years at a registered importer, or have the facilities to accommodate that quarantine, or can convince the seller to do the same.
Apologies for the delay if anyone's been waiting to see these, Bnut wasn't allowing me to upload files.

May look like an odd chop location for this one but there's a childhood favourite of mine this will be taking inspiration from (provided it survives my brutalization)
This one will be going to my father, not a bonsai man but loved the look of itIMG_20220404_193954.jpg
And these 4 have gone straight back into the ground. Long roots with feeders at the ends, half reduced for now and other half will be in a a few years IMG_20220404_194015.jpg
Left most has some fantastic movement. Unfortunately it was also brutalised by the digger: IMG_20220404_194042.jpg
Split up from the base, crack is a good 6-8" long and the entire width of the trunkIMG_20220404_194048.jpg

Now if only this fuckin rain will stop so I can get the cut paste on
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