Zac,I have a salix alba (white willow) that I have grown from a 1"diameter cutting. This was my first tree (I love willows) that I acquired for bonsai before learning that they aren't ideal subjects. I haven't had any issue with die back and have had a nice amount of new growth. From what I have researched (in books and on this site) willows will kill branches off if situations aren't ideal. Rather then repair the limb they will just grow a new one. I read in a book (Bonsai: by Deborah koreshoff) that the best way to avoid this die back is to NOT touch it during the growing season. Do all major pruning in the dormant season and give it tons of water while its growing. If you want to slow/stop branch growth (lengthwise) you can pinch the tips where new buds emerge but nothing else. I am still new and by no means an expert. This is just what I've read thus far. Hope it helps
Only in my wildest dreams it's not mine but I too admire it. This is the tree that made me go crazy for willows as Bosnia. Mine is just a big willow "bush" right now. Hopefully it will take well to pruning in the winter. We shall see. Fingers crossed.Zac,
Is the willow in your profile picture yours? I've seen that pic before and admire it!
Dunno, mine must be more arctic than yours! Frosted at least 10 times, soil frozen twice now.Nice Wireme, but no frost nip. Has it gone tropical there?
No, actually those prolific basal suckers are what does the trick. I let them grow out till you can barely see the tree in there. Then I clean them all off, but leave the swelling at the base.
Ssshhhh don't tell anyone but I'm going willow branch robbing this weekend lol hope I find some interesting ones.Good Advise on most any Willow
Although I said I would probably not play with Willow anymore I picked up a Salix udensis 'Golden Sunshine' twin trunk cutting last month. I am growing it in basically my Nursery mix and water. It has grown out a lot in one month from 24 inches to 33 inches tall and the base has put on a 1/4 inch even though it only has 2 basal shoots. The only thing I do different then what I have read here is I prune and trim them in early Spring, March here. It is being moved out my Wife's garden area next week as it is already taking up to much space there
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Hey guys,
Here are some pics of an arctic blue willow i got last year. It had a big trunk but was badly rootbound. I chopped it to a stump and it budded back like crazy. I don't have a pick before the first styling but it had around 50 to 60 branches. I want to try for a weeping style but i don't think it will let me lol.