Apple tree needs styling idea


Monitor the old media inner moisture vs the outer media moisture content, as there is a tendency for the two medias to sometimes create a ‘lens effect’.

This is the situation where the outer media seems dry as it drains faster, so one waters more, while the inner core stays wet and gets wetter. This can be avoided by aerating the inner core.

DSD sends
Right, the inside media is the same mix, 50% pumice and 50% akadama, after 2 year still in very good shape, that is why I didn't made a full change. But I will double check
Hi, the weather was horrible, but the apple tree is pushing....
Any recommendation at this stage ?
My idea is to let her grow wild and cut this winter like the plum plant in another topic.

Looks really healthy!

This is another clip and grow job, yet simpler. See my remarks on the plum.

Best to begin this year.

DSD sends
Both. The goal is to get rid of the long straight sections and build taper and direction.

A couple thoughts

At this point it’s now time to get a general concept what the clump/tree will look like. This will not lock out all other ideas, but will put some aside. At least for now.

This is a place where many of us get stuck. We have begun to master the horticultural aspects of the trees, but haven’t totally grasped the different styles that can be applied to this specific raw material.

Best thing is to google Plum bonsai clump or jus plum bonsai and check all images there.

Can tell you my general opinions. But in the past folks haven’t reacted well to this sort of coaching, especially long distance. But I’ll give it a try

It seems you are already going in the right direction on the Apple, at the stage of getting ready to develop apex and branches. Identify each branch eventually location and work towards this. A craggy design in consonance with the stump

The plum clump idea likely would not work in a small composition. Needs height and spread to pull off. So some will go up, others diagonal, others to the side in 3D…. But no hedge! T the clump mast ends up with only 3-5 branches in the end to pull this off The trunks need individual identities sort of in sync with one another. Cragginess would rule, not possible to be convincing with a smooth tailored look with a larger leafed deciduous. The idea would be an interesting winter profile that carrie’s the design into foliage

Think about it…..Gotta get to work on trees!

DSD sends

Wondering. Have you sketched out a plan for the fall and next year etc?

DSD sends
Sure thing. I’m sure others will chime in too.

Likely the plan would be to cut back this year’s growth to a decent length this fall at some point, seal tips, then wire into position, keeping all branches for now.

Also inspect the deadwood, define all margins and clean the deadwood well. Then lime sulfur with a bit of India ink to tone it done (hopefully you can get lime sulfur… @leatherback should know if this is used still in Europe, or what is substituted for lime sulfur)

Then plan to clip and grow throughout the year with wire assist as needed to further develop secondary branching. This ought to spur tertiary growth and this can also be styled as above.

DSD sends
Also inspect the deadwood, define all margins and clean the deadwood well. Then lime sulfur with a bit of India ink to tone it done (hopefully you can get lime sulfur… @leatherback should know if this is used still in Europe, or what is substituted for lime sulfur)
Hi, thank you, lime sulfur is still allowed here, no problem.
About the India ink, how much ?
Is this ok ?

Black India Ink

If you have time have look at this thread I am interesting about your ideas:
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