Aphids! Won't go away.

I would not recommend defoliating a tree that is stressed from insect attacks...

I'll try the systemic insecticide first then. Is there a ratio for systemic/water that you would advise. Idk where I've heard this, but the Fukien Tea is sensitive to fertilizers and insecticides in a major way. Also, and more importantly, how would you apply systemic insecticide? Spray on, wait 10 minutes then rinse thoroughly? No rinsing? Water the tree first or after? If I have no success with this, I might have to resort to defoliation, because the buggers are exploding in population.
I'll try the systemic insecticide first then. Is there a ratio for systemic/water that you would advise. Idk where I've heard this, but the Fukien Tea is sensitive to fertilizers and insecticides in a major way. Also, and more importantly, how would you apply systemic insecticide? Spray on, wait 10 minutes then rinse thoroughly? No rinsing? Water the tree first or after? If I have no success with this, I might have to resort to defoliation, because the buggers are exploding in population.
I had white mealy bugs on mine (almost exact same tree)...
I've used a combination of sorce's methods and organic cide.
I thought I got them all after the first go, but occasionally I get one or two popping up, seemingly out of nowhere.
Partial defoliation, followed by tedious toothpicking, followed by an organic cide spray, should be good.
Fwiw, I cover my soil when misting the cide.
Partial defoliation, followed by tedious toothpicking, followed by an organic cide spray, should be good.
Fwiw, I cover my soil when misting the cide.

Great info. What kind of organic insecticide spray did you use? The only "Systemic insecticide" I can find on the net is granulates, but I need a spray. Did you leave it on or rinse after a certain amount of time?
No pest straps hanging in a room kills all insects and arachnids.
Great info. What kind of organic insecticide spray did you use? The only "Systemic insecticide" I can find on the net is granulates, but I need a spray. Did you leave it on or rinse after a certain amount of time?
This one, and I did not rinse it off.
I've actually used it on the tree 3 times and seen no I'll effects.
I guess technically, isn't a cide, but a soap.
Great info. What kind of organic insecticide spray did you use? The only "Systemic insecticide" I can find on the net is granulates, but I need a spray. Did you leave it on or rinse after a certain amount of time?
I use the granules... why do you need a spray?
I have had problems with aphids on my pomegranates and used a few drops of peppermint oil and a teaspoon of dishwashing soap in half a gallon of water. worked really well.
And if worse comes to worse...I'll YouTube a video of the Fukien Tea tree burning just for Sorce.

I did one pouring hot sauce on mine.

Forgive me....

But truth told....

I realized we are talking about placing poison in your house to save a mallsai that probly costs less than the poison itself.

I would love to see the video.

Only because I am 100% positive in a few years, you will watch it and be delighted!

Unless the wife bought it for you and will never give you any ever again if it dies...

These trees are good for learning.

What if the lesson being taught by the tree is, "don't keep any more of these pest magnets"?

I've not learned such lessons in the past and I am way behind for it.

You have proven yourself dedicated, with a thumb green enough to hail the cab forward.

Burn it!

Was there, only insecticides worked. Pick two different products that can kill aphids and alternate them (week after week, 2-4 applications). I can't say FTs are any sensitive to insecticides.

Totally agree on this

I would not recommend defoliating a tree that is stressed from insect attacks...
Totally agree on this too.You will loose some branches for sure.

With all these organic,soap stuff it works when they come in physical contact with bugs. But I guarantee you that you will miss couple of them especially those under the leaves that grove direct from the trunk. I tried with cotton stick and detergent.
I've been there, take insecticide and make a recommended solution in a plassstic spray bottle take it outside and spray it,turn the pot
upside down so you'll cover the bottom size of the leaves. Put the pot in a bag and fix it on surface of soil so you won't loose any soil.
Those modern insecticides are more or lesss harmless after a week , if you are concerned about it cover it with a plastic bag so you will avoid contact and fumes from it. Uncover it every day for 10 min. You should get rid of them in only one application. If not repeat all.

For the reference pest free fukien tee
Because it would just sit on the soil right? I thought it would be more effective spraying the little guys directly...idk. Maybe I'm missing the way this stuff works.
The "medicine" from granules will get to roots after watering, will get into plant tissues and the plant will become poisonous for suckers.
Great info. What kind of organic insecticide spray did you use? The only "Systemic insecticide" I can find on the net is granulates, but I need a spray. Did you leave it on or rinse after a certain amount of time?

If your looking for a systemic insecticide, your looking for something that will kill the pest when it feeds on the plant. If your looking at a systemic formulated as granules what happens is the active ingredient dissolves into the soil, gets taken up by the roots and moves through the plant. It is then available to work. It won't kill theach pests just hanging out on your plant, but only the ones actively feeding. Also be aware that the granules are probably not designed for the amount of water we use on our bonsai. The water that washes through your pot will hold most of the insecticide... if your looking for a systemic it may be better to look for a foliar absorbed formulation. You also need to pay attention to how long the active ingredient lasts as it compares to the life cycle of the pest. Generally for short activity times you need at least 2 applications spaced out how ever long it takes the pest to hatch. Hope that helps. Be carefull and read the label. the 'cides you can buy over the counter are fairly safe if used properly, and can be fairly unsafe if misused.
Quick update. Nothing worked. I've tried everything. Mixing soap and alcohol, I bought a few insecticides. If anything I think they enjoyed it because they had an explosion in population. Took sorces advice...Didn't quite burn it though. I completely defoliated the tree and then blasted it with a high preasure "jet stream" setting in my shower for a thorough 5 minutes. I'll keep you posted. Crossing my fingers
Quick update. Nothing worked. I've tried everything. Mixing soap and alcohol, I bought a few insecticides. If anything I think they enjoyed it because they had an explosion in population. Took sorces advice...Didn't quite burn it though. I completely defoliated the tree and then blasted it with a high preasure "jet stream" setting in my shower for a thorough 5 minutes. I'll keep you posted. Crossing my fingers
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Jeez! Lol!
Sorry to laugh, but Dang!
Told you, was there. Applying some "green" products I got very resistant aphid breed. Then I used one product repeatedly, even worse. Then I was told to alternate products... I almost lost the tree to kill them. Are you sure the insecticides you used are assigned against aphids?
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