Aphids! Won't go away.

Culper Woodhull

Reaction score
Westeros, USDA Zone - 6B
This would be a good time to show how my Fukien Tea has been getting along for about a month now. After I added a grow light to the equation, it's been thriving and in a constant state of bloom. I mist twice a day, 10 minute soak in water, with the water line just below the rim of the pot, keep it in a south facing window, grow light on from dawn until about 9 PM and fan is always on. I'll add a day 1 photo and todays photo for comparison. On to the problem.

I have an aphid infestation. I cannot seem to get rid of them and have been working on it for about 2 weeks. I'll add a photo of the aphids the first day I discovered them. They were everywhere. I called the local greenhouse I bought it from and they seemed extremely shocked that I'd have aphids on the bonsai from their greenhouse. They didn't come from my room. I do have a Jade(afra) next to it, but after I thoroughly inspected it, there are no aphids to be found, so it couldn't have come from the Jade. The gentleman I spoke to from the greenhouse advised me not to use any type of insecticides if I can avoid it. Other than that he told me to continue what I've been doing, blasting it with the spray wand in my kitchen sink while water proofing the soil with a plastic bag.

I've looked around for Fukien Tea specific insecticides and the only thing I've found was, 1 tsp liquid soap, 1tsp alcohol, and water. I tried this one time since they keep coming back. A couple days ago I thoroughly sprayed it down with the homemade insecticide. Until it was dripping from the leaves. I still waterproofed the soil in a plastic bag of course. I let the solution set on the tree for exactly 10 minutes, then I sprayed it again thoroughly with the solution and immediately started to blast the tree with water for about five minutes, I was afraid the solution would hurt the Fukien Tea if it was absorbed too much. I thought for sure they were dead, but now today they have made their appearance again. It appears the conditions in my bedroom that make my Fukien Tea thrive are also ideal for these aphids.1 14DEC2014 2.jpg 5 5JAN2017.jpg Aphids.jpg Aphids.jpg

Any suggestions?
Was there, only insecticides worked. Pick two different products that can kill aphids and alternate them (week after week, 2-4 applications). I can't say FTs are any sensitive to insecticides.
I would stop misting it.

Squish fest.

I would kill each and every one of those little Fuckers with a new toothpick.

Then compost the toothpicks.


Make a tiny bonfire and burn some aphids too!

Pretty sure they do not build up immunities to squishing or fire.

Look up information on a zone 9 shrub [ which Fukien tea is in China ]
Should not be growing now, but resting.
Find a club near you or someone who has experience growing Fukien teas.

Soft new shoots are food for aphids.

Tropics here, and the Fukien tea will awaken sometime in February mid to end.

Take cuttings and get more experience growing the Fukien Tea.
Good Luck.
Good Day
Pyrethrin spray is always good to have handy for indoors. Lots of products kill aphids, but pyrethrin is pretty safe and does the job..I use off and on on my indoors all winter.
Thanks fellas!
Tree also looks healthy enough to fully defoliate....

I'm still a sapling on this site and inexperienced with bonsai. What does fully defoliation enquire? All leaves? All leaves except one or 2? Could you provide a pic to point me in the right direction? Thanks again Sorce, for keeping me on track as usual.
keeping me on track

Keeping you on MY track....
Which is not always the safest or sanest.

My thoughts on defoliation is to guarantee death of the little shed leavers with life of your tree coming in a distant, Very distant, second.

For me....that is fine!

Maybe not fully defoliate....
Just ruin their hides.

But Make sure you squish them ALL.

I've just edited my response, not sure if you got it before your reply. "I see you're from Berwyn, IL. Heard of Aurora? All my family is from there."

"Keeping you on MY track....
Which is not always the safest or sanest.

Understand, but you haven't pointed me in the wrong direction yet. I'll look into defoliation of the Fukien Tea, thanks.

I get out that way to fish and work every now and again.

Love the area...Italian Beefs...even better! My cousin is a truck driver and was stopped by snow tonight in the Northern KY area. Stopped for some hot food and crashed for the night. He was digging the Bonsai!
View attachment 128157 Like this? Except leave the new shoots and new leaves?

It depends!

Squishing phids in New shoots could damage the shoot.

I would leave some older leaves you can see the underside of well, for tree health.

Anywhere there is a good new bud....
I would take off.

Unless you don't have to.

Just ensure full squishage!

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