Anyone making Bonsai Rock Slabs in the U.S.?

Jan's are completely manmade. But he's super hush hush about what goes into making them. I assume it's something like what @Ruben Bouwmeester uses for his work. They look great up close in any case.
I looked at jan his rock over and over. I still can't figure out what kind off material he is using. He won't tell in any case ( thats his good right) ,they are so unique!!! I think he is using different kinds of modern composiet and oxydes.
Ron Lang makes some very nice slabs--check his current inventory page.
I was gonna say Dave Lowman also.
Here are a couple of pics I took at Dasu Bonsai. I know these are maybe 20 inches.CC62F5B9-7904-4C0D-B04A-06CF84522E22.jpeg2951671D-17B2-49B4-BA6F-F8C6A718B22E.jpeg5FD49B72-C995-4DAD-98BE-7EED47C376FB.jpeg
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