Anyone Home Schooling or Familiar?


Nonsense Rascal
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Berwyn, Il
I've decided to no longer allow my children to be subjected to the known, and not yet known negatives of life in a mask.

Seeking education on Homeschooling and/or anything I may not know.

Illinois law says they can be kept home under proper homeschooling curriculum, if they MUST work which I feel is for farm kids they don't really care about, or if they are mentally disabled, which very well may be if their growing brains are being fed more CO2 than oxygen.

Thanks for your thought.

Realized Teahouse Posts don't show up in New Posts, I'm not OK with such limited reach.

If masks were really an issue, I would be brain dead as would most people who did a long stint in landscaping. I wore one quite frequently, still do, and it has nothing to do with germs and such. In fact every potter should wear a mask, yet I know of a few that passed away from lung issues and a few that had to retire early as well.
BTW, we exhale 2/3 of the oxygen we inhale.
I did it for a while when "zoom"ing was incompatible with our schedules.

Despite my relaxed attitude and short day, my son went back and was ahead in math. Goes to show how much pointless filler there is and/or the value of 1 on 1 instruction

There are decent home school workbooks. I bought a brand called Abeka for some things.

Math is just a steady methodical process of lotsa reps and review.

Reading can be combined with any subject matter. High volume and discussion of it for comprehension.

Kahn academy is a quality online resource, last I checked.

Not complicated.

Public schools though....

Pro-tranny, collaborative health-care decisions, covid-manic, hand-wringing, diverse/inclusive/equitable (except if you are the oppressor demographic who shall not be named or given a special flag).
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If masks were really an issue, I would be brain dead as would most people who did a long stint in landscaping. I wore one quite frequently, still do, and it has nothing to do with germs and such. In fact every potter should wear a mask, yet I know of a few that passed away from lung issues and a few that had to retire early as well.
BTW, we exhale 2/3 of the oxygen we inhale.

When I screw around with auto paint, 3m gaurantees a certain level of filtration. When I dont get emphysema, they benefit from an enhanced reputation and customers who live to spend another day.

When I do get emphysema from a provable product defect, they hemmorage money.

Schools. "Masks will protect you, but if they don't, thats still not our problem. Gfy."


"Vax makes you safe, but wear a mask so you dont catch or spread it."
Not getting into the politics.
Look up your state's department of education and somewhere there should be a list of public charter schools. In most states now days there will likely be an organization, similar to mine, that is a publicly funded, free to attend, online school. Compare ratings and reviews (if people are people no matter where, most will be negative because no form of education can fully make up for crap parenting, and they didn't like it. Don't let it get you down.) and find one that seems like it will fit your needs. If there's a hybrid/blended model available, I recommend that. It combines online classes with in-person resources and/or activities.
Yes, there will be some that are a complete sham, just taking government money and putting more effort into their paperwork than their students: there's always someone trying. I think you'd be surprised, though, at how many offer a quality education with actual engaged staff.
If you have any questions, I'll be happy to take a look and help you decide.
Our district will supply you with a Chrome book to use for home learning. It is free of charge, with a deposit to use it. Through the district. They keep up with their class...but from home. It was done way before covid was a thing. Look into seeing if that an option. Then books wouldn't be a cost...
In my school district masks are mandatory! But then the whole school goes to lunch in a very crowded room with no masks on . I don’t care about getting covid at all but if masks are actually effective then the lunch thing shouldn’t be there or they just make masks optional . I feel like that’s common sense ! Pick a side and be true to it .

Also I hope vaccines don’t be forced or you can’t go to school . If someone is worried about getting sick they should get the vaccine . But then if the vaccine actually works they shouldn’t be mad at the unvaccinated and telling them that they should . People should choose what they want to do ! Especially Kids !
There are masks and then there are masks.

The masks most people and school students are wearing for Covid right now do almost NOTHING to protect the wearer. They are respiratory spray masks - and are designed to shorten the distance that respiratory particles travel when you cough and sneeze. They protect the people around the wearer... and not the wearer themselves.

In order to protect the wearer, you need a mask that will filter all the air you breathe (without letting air in around the margins of the mask) and it must also filter down to the viral level. That is why if your mask doesn't have at least an N95 level rating, it belongs in the former category of protective wear. N95 (worn properly) will filter 95% of viral particles from the air you breathe. There are higher levels of protection, but N95 is the bare minimum for protection from viruses. (Do not confuse this with Z95 rating which is the cheap Chinese version).

That said, anyone who has ever been in the military will tell you that a mask is worthless if not worn properly. Whether or not you actually wear your gas mask in combat, everyone carries one and has been trained in its use (or at least they did when I was active). Try doing jumping jacks wearing a gas mask and you'll know what mask discomfort really is :)

I wear an N95 when mowing the lawn, spreading pesticide, sanding, or spraying paint... since I don't want any of those particles in my lungs. It's a free country - do whatever you want. If you can smell it - it is going into your lungs.
Lol....I been thinking about getting a WW1 gas mask to send my kid in....
You know...ok I'll do it, this is how he feels safe!


Folks bring up the "adults wear masks all the time" thing, but, their brains are developed.

Seems they are trying to protect 8/10 overweight teachers more than anything.

There really is no argument that it's anything more than a control move....
I'm more against that them anything.



It's not your freedoms at risk when wearing a's the freedoms of those around you. This disease can transfer from asymptomatic people. You can feel 100% fine and still pass a deadly disease to your neighbor. That is the reason for mask mandates. Freedoms are limited to not impinging on the freedoms of others. It's one of the reasons we're not free to murder...

But large numbers of people are too caught up in their own inconveniences to worry about the wellbeing of others...we went through this exact same scenario with smoking and second hand smoke and making laws to ban closed area smoking in areas where people congregate. That took many years because it was more convenient to light up during diner and fuck the guy next to you with asthma...

You can have your freedoms...I honestly don't give a shit what other people do to themselves. But if you put me or my family at risk, I'm going to be rude, unkind and down right beligerant...

Society only works when the individuals in it work to strengthen the society as a whole. When individuals only care for themselves, society as a whole is weakened.
Lol....I been thinking about getting a WW1 gas mask to send my kid in....
You know...ok I'll do it, this is how he feels safe!


Folks bring up the "adults wear masks all the time" thing, but, their brains are developed.

Seems they are trying to protect 8/10 overweight teachers more than anything.

There really is no argument that it's anything more than a control move....
I'm more against that them anything.



When you buy yourself one of these

And show me that you kid has a 100% oxygen level without a mask and something less than 100% with a mask on...then I'll listen to you.

Follow your own advice and do your research. Which means following facts and not talking heads in the echo chamber you've caged yourself in because it aligns nicely with the reality you want to believe. Until then you are nothing more than another ignorant pissant spreading a false reality that is convenient to you.
ignorant pissant


Like the fact that this administration said they wouldn't get the vaccine if Trump made it, then changed their position and started talking about how it is the only thing to save us when it fit their agenda?

Then they wonder why no one wants it.

One of us is in an echo chamber.

Lol....I been thinking about getting a WW1 gas mask to send my kid in....
You know...ok I'll do it, this is how he feels safe!


Folks bring up the "adults wear masks all the time" thing, but, their brains are developed.

Seems they are trying to protect 8/10 overweight teachers more than anything.

There really is no argument that it's anything more than a control move....
I'm more against that them anything.


My son went to college last semester in a military converted to police riot helmet. (Face guard)

Not one word was said to him. 😳 that is where we are in this world. I was waiting for him to return home with a good story.

Like the fact that this administration said they wouldn't get the vaccine if Trump made it, then changed their position and started talking about how it is the only thing to save us when it fit their agenda?

Then they wonder why no one wants it.

One of us is in an echo chamber.


Such a false argument. It doesn't rebut anything I had merely changes the topic to something entirely unrelated in the hopes you can win THAT argument.

I get it...critical thinking is not a common skill anymore. It's a shame...but true.

If you were doing real research and not listening to your echo chamber, your arguments would not be based on politicians and political climate. I don't hire a plumber to fix my computer...

So again...since you don't seam to be able to read: masks are to protect your neighbors...not you. They are not 100% effective. Neither is the vaccine. But you don't throw out your hammer because it can't nail in a screw. That's why we have different layer a defense.

Wear a's societal, not political.

Get vaccinated if you can. It is free and safer than Covid.

When the above don't work...because they aren't 100%...there are hospitals and ventilators and extreme de-wormer and injections of bleach. By why the fuck would you go there first just because some jack-ass talking head tells you to? Are we still buying bridges in the desert??

I swear, the fastest way to get the rest of the US vaccinated at this point is to point out the number of dead Trump voters anti-vax rhetoric is costing in battleground states. It's assanine that a virus with no political aspirations has caused such a political rift in a nation that was founded and prided itself on fighting persecution.
My son went to college last semester in a military converted to police riot helmet. (Face guard)

Not one word was said to him. 😳 that is where we are in this world. I was waiting for him to return home with a good story.

I am overjoyed that you don't have me on ignore!

It is hard to express in these texts....

My respect for your family.

Such a false argument. It doesn't rebut anything I had merely changes the topic to something entirely unrelated in the hopes you can win THAT argument.

It's to show that it IS political, not my politics, theirs.

Why should we trust those people?

They want you to believe it's to save your neighbor because they know we hold that concern greater than the concern for ourselves.

They flip-flop. I haven't.

The fact that you are calling it the medias name, "horse dewormer", is only proof that I am less in an echo chamber than yourself.

Like the whole, "Oklahoma hospitals are backed up with Ivermectin poison victims, making gunshot victims not get treated" propaganda.

Debunked by nursing staff at the hospitals, and the sheriff who said they have had One instance of gun violence the entire year.

Why are you so angry?

The data show there is nothing to fear.

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