Aight! How do you plan to conduct your war?
Conventional warfare
Low level: I got some tannerite. Let's take that pot and find a long distance rifle range.
Higher level: We definitely can make some flame thrower.
More: Oh you know we can go very far with this.
Chemical warfare:
Low level: Some borax / boric acid will do you.
Higher level: Ants granules you can buy at the big box store or you can get some Bifenthryn and mix it yourself.
More: The anti-chem members around here doth protest.
All I can tell you is your hot water ain't doing nutin'

Does baking soda kill ants? Why this tried-and-tested method could help stop an infestation in its tracks
Ants may be small in size – but they can cause problems around the home. Here's how the professionals eliminate them with baking soda