And What Are You Most Proud Of?

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Recently I have been doing a lot of thinking as to stepping up my game.. with not only my Bonsai, but the Art I do an sell surrounding Bonsai , and the promotion of myself and the overall "packaging" of who I am, my views.. my attitudes, etc. And what it is that I am.. and want to be seen, and what it is that if you'd like... "My Mission" as not only an Artist... but also a Company... seeing I am the "Company".

Working for the Man... I know! Lol!

All of which is a very normal process for anyone doing Art, as well anyone running a Biz... the constant questioning of what they are doing, and if they could do better.
Or, at least it should be... this is how one progresses.

So... obviously when doing so... the very first thing one often does is look to one's peers who are sucessful and see what they are doing, what they have done to get where they are... and what has worked for them. And even ask for advice... whether on Bonsai trees or as a Business Person, working in a similar field.

This process can be rewarding and insightful... but at the same time I have come to realize it can also have it's downfalls... and pitfalls as well.

Why do I say this?

Because at the end of the day... there is not really a specific, or rigid formula that works for all people. No one size fits all... we are all different, come from different bsckgrounds, life experiences, and bring these to the table with what we do... especially in Art, as well in Business.

Sometimes it is very hard to remember this... especially when you feel as though you are not moving forward, or even see people who were in the same boat, moving forward faster than you are. It can be frustrating at times... I know... and we have all been there!

But, at the End of the day... I am still one of those people who believe if you work really hard, stay true to what it is that you are... if you haven't figured this out yet... dig deep... and if you set your own pace, walk your own line... At the end of the day I do believe you will get there, and you will eventually shine because of who you are and what you have done.

Now... why am I posting all this Rubbish? Lol!

Because, through all this... one of the things I have really come to understand is that I like who I am... I like what I do... what I represent! I am not perfect... never have been. Sure, I am a pain in the ass... my wife tells me this all the time! Sure, I make mistakes... but this is all who I am. I am not trying to be a pain in the ass on purpose... and surely don't enjoy making mistakes, like anyone does? Just see a path forward in life that I want to take and are listening to who it is that I am, and it is important that I do so. It is important that we all do so.

Sometimes we just need reminding, I think? And often I hear people discuss how they are not happy with where they are... in this case, being with Bonsai or their trees. That if they could only be better, or have better trees... or go to Japan and study, or work with a master, or be like this person, had tons of money,etc. They would get there! The grass is always greener on the other side, kinda thing!

Yet, if you are always looking over the fence... you end up missing who it is you are, what your accomplishments are, and what you need to actually do to improve.
In other wards the grass will always be greener on the other side... but this shouldn't stop you, or let it get in your way!

I know this is extremely long... I am sorry... well not really! Lol!
But, I think it is important... We have like a million threads of people talking about where they would like to be, what some famous person is doing... how can I be like such and such... or did you see what someone did, and I see tons of people posting replies like "If I only had your talent", "your eyes", "your knowledge ", etc...

That I thought it was about time that we had a thread discussing what it is you are most proud of... that you have done! No matter how silly or trivial that it may seem! And acknowledge the accomplishments people have done, and what they are proud of rather than what they haven't done. And he'll yeah... have some freaking patting on the back for a change! I get so tired of people saying, what do you want... an "Atta-Boy"? Well... Yeah... I worked hard on this and I am proud of what I have done!

No one is going to get there overnight. There are always going to be people better. This does not mean you did not do a good job at what you did, and at the level you are at. And you should be proud of your accomplishments. Can you do better? Of course... and the next time you will.

So... seeing we have millions of threads and posts telling you your work is crap! And that you should have "thicker skin"... I personally would like to hear what people have done that they are proud of, and why they are! No matter how silly, how trivial you might think it is!

And Hell... if no one wants to participate, as is often the case with my threads... than at least I will of said what I am most proud of, and what makes me happy, even though it might be trivial to some... and the rest of you can just piss off! Lol!

But seriously, I think it would be cool to hear people's stories, and celebrate our accomplishes for a change! And perhaps move more towards a place where we can lift each other up and work together on becoming better... rather than just just carping on each other's parade as we do now.

Just my buck fifty...
So, what am I most proud of?

All the years I have spent day in and day out learning to bend. Whether a branch, trunk, roots... whatever. And the more impossible, the better!

To me this is like bliss! When I do a major bend and it lives of course! It is like the best thing in my book! Now... of course it wasn't always this way... and especially not when I first started doing them... but I got better and better, each time learning from what I had done before... and pretty much never loose anything now. I am pushing a 97 to 99 percent success rate!

So, to this, and all the hard work that I have done to get here... I Gladly Pat myself on the Back! And deserve a few "Atta-Boys"!

Doing this to me at least... has always been better... and will always be better than having a finished tree! Or even an Awesome Tree! I know it sounds completely rediculous. .. but, it is just the way I am.

I get more pleasure out of knowing I bent a really difficult bend on a piece of crap... than I would ever do by having a really nice tree or getting praise for having one! And thus... why I don't have very many finished trees, and often post up really raw work on a piece of crap.

To me... this is where Bonsai is at! It is quite literally the ultimate control over complete design... pushing limits, and walking that fine line between the survival rate of the process.

At least for me... I feel that if I can do this. I can create anything I want in a Bonsai Tree. The finishing of the tree... us just the filling in the gaps. That I can quite literally lay my hands on the piece of crap material most would say pass on, and send it on it's way. Dispelling what I believe is a myth, of not all material has potential.

So, to this... I will take those "Atta-Boys "! And each day I will take them as I get better and better.
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I'm humbly proud of where I am in my life...of appreciating the little things. Like a glass of tap water and know...there are ones who don't have that unrestrained freedom of going to the tap for water. I'm excited as we prepare to go back again this year to our mission field. Having grown there as well. From asking the Lord to help me in such a primitive location that first night. (I don't camp.I had no idea what I was walking into. A shower of cold water in a plastic barrel drum...and a bowl to wash off with.) tears when we have to leave there. Having a purpose larger than myself that the Lord called our family on. To have my boys also see that we are beyond blessed for a glass of water is more than I can imagine. Their priorities see things from a different perspective than most kids in the US. It's that mission field that led me into this hobby...and the bougainvillea which are dear to my heart, I'm so glad I'm far enough on,that I no longer stress things. Grasping there are no mistakes if a lesson is learned. I'm happy with the trees on my bench...they represent where I am on my journey. I think all who know me. Know my taste in trees have a quirkiness to most of them. That is who I am...I enjoy's finally relaxing!

My biggest stance...even on one of my worst days...there is one out there battling something far harder. And would give anything to have my woes of the day than their own. Puts things into perspective.

My advice to all...enjoy your journey...don't get discouraged...let mistakes in this hobby be stepping stones to advancing your knowledge. A lesson learned is not failure. Keep trudging on.
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What am I most proud of? Such a loaded question, because one of the reasons why I practice bonsai is to try to get away from pride. With bonsai it is just me and my trees. The trees will never be perfect, just like myself. So it teaches me to be "ok" with imperfection.

I guess I am proud of my ability to see trees in new ways. When I started in bonsai I didn't know the "rules". Then I learned the "rules" and my trees started to look like bonsai, but not like trees. Now I hope that I am getting back to my bonsai looking like trees again... :) I can no longer walk through a forest and see it the same way that I used to. I look at it in terms of lines and patterns that I hope I can apply to my trees. I used to take photos of bonsai that I admired and use them to inspire me in my design. Now I take photos of trees to do the same. Sounds pretty basic, but I think I needed to travel this path to really start to understand the art form. A photo of a tree is just a photo of a tree. But a photo of the right tree for the right reason... is a step forward in bonsai.
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I have something that I'm very proud of but you'll all have to stand back now....(sorry couldn't resist (quote Robin Williams))
But seriously, I proud of that the fact that I have controlled that pathetic emotion of envy. Even if it doesn't manifest itself externally, we all know when we feel it. It's not a productive thing to feel. Sometimes it still creeps in, but mostly I can now look and enjoy a masterpiece without feeling envious. I found it very liberating. At ease with what I'm doing and what I've done. I have a friend who feels he must over-spend in everything he buys to try to keep up with his richer brother. It's kind of sad really. Envy is not the same as ambition however!
Interesting and confronting thread.
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one of the reasons why I practice bonsai is to try to get away from pride
Me too, but I don't have a problem with "pleased." Knowing the results of my efforts are combined with the way of the tree (Nature) and luck. So every time I look around the benches I'm pleased at the deep, intimate story each one has.

But seriously, I think it would be cool to hear people's stories, and celebrate our accomplishes for a change! And perhaps move more towards a place where we can lift each other up and work together on becoming better... rather than just just carping on each other's parade as we do now.

Just my buck fifty...

Dude this thread is as cool of a creation as we have seen in a while. Challenging, humbling and affirming at the same time.

In bonsai, I think what I am most proud of is keeping things alive in Vegas. That might bring a chuckle but it's not easy. What's more, my journey in bonsai has been an allegory for my life. Many times just barely alive but still alive nonetheless. Bonsai is, above all the art of celebrating the overcomer, the survivor. We cherish trees with scars. The older I get and the longer I survive, I roll callus over old cuts and move on to the next repot and restyle. I guess surviving is what I'm most proud of in my personal life as well. It has been closer than I would like to admit a few times but here I am, back budding and sending out new feeder roots.
I spent a few days before, during and after Carnival ----------- cracking cocoa, preparing to ferment and presently
drying the seeds.

I just like to do. I weed the pots of the trees, I am content.

I don't spend time on pride, just doing, and being glad to be healthy to continue doing.
Good Day
I'm really pleased to have made good friends here on BN. I'm slowly but steadily making progress. Some of my greatest accomplishments so far have been with my flowering quinces, the slow development of my Maples, Elm, Hackberry, and Crape Myrtle. I especially enjoy development of nebari, exposed root, and root over rock.
I think most wives/mothers put everyone's needs and interests above their own. Once the kids were about grown, I had an ailing parent to take care of. I took dinner to my dad every night for years, spent many hours/days in the ER, hospital, and sadly, finally the nursing home with him. Last year I decided to take care of myself. I lost 25 lbs, and started working out every day. I also let myself indulge in the hobby of bonsai. I've always loved flowers and plants, and now the little trees. I know it's nothing in the grand scheme of things, but I feel better about myself, so am a little proud. And if I sit on the patio on a nice afternoon after work, and have a beer, instead of making sure the laundry is done, that's OK. Took me awhile to learn that..o_O
Stacy, The Meaning of Life and Happiness can be summed up in one word...Accomplishment... and One needs to know how to recognize their personal accomplishment's.
It really doesn't matter if it is Art, Bonsai, Welding, Cooking, or some Cerebreal endeavor...
All endeavors can and usually are subject to the Evaluation & Opinions of others, this is how we measure, unfortunately...

Stacy, your OP reminds me of a person striving to finding a meaning to their Life & Life works, it appears you have chosen Art (as in painting) and Bonsai Trees, Two very difficult mediums because they are so dependent on the Opinions of others as opposed to the reality of Measurable efforts...
Van Gogh went Crazy trying to achieve Meaning & Fame in his lifetime...???
I started a small Metals fabricating business with $100 and took it to 4 million dollars in sales in 10 years, sold it and retired at 42 yrs of age & moved on to other meaningful and financially more rewarding efforts...
Almost all of my satisfactions came from Accomplishments in my fields of endeavor...
More to my story but not for here...
Personal note: Try to distinguish between the reality of your effort and the reality of your Life...
Thanks for all the replies thus far! Hopefully more will chime in!

Hint, Hint...
I see non stop posts of how someone dumped on their tree and the work they had done... regardless of what stage they are at!
I mean... if you are glad you finally learned how to not kill off a tree by watering it correctly, post it up! That is a major accomplishment! Half of the world's population or more cannot even do this right! If you learned to wire and it is not so good perhaps, but you made the effort... that is an accomplishment. .. yesterday you didn't know how to do even this! Tomorrow you will do better!

You guys with your "Pride" issues... Crack me up! @Anthony ... You go non stop since coming here about what your brother "K " does... and keep posting about your success with coleanders! @Bonsai Nut I have read at least a couple posts if not more regarding Mountain Bike Expeditions... When you go out to ride... What makes you want to peddle more , than the day before?

At some point it is does the mind and spirit good... to recognize the work you have done, and take a pat on the back! That is all I was asking... It really, really, really, really, really sucks... to high heaven! To come on this site every day and see nothing but people dumping on each other! I mean... let's be honest here.

How many people do you think come here and do not post up work, do not comment, do not participate... due to the fact that they just do not want to be ridiculed, bullied, made fun of, get in arguments, etc. for what they post?

It does not have to be this way.
People should be happy to come here and post what they have done... no matter how trivial it may appear to others... the work they did... was an accomplishment for them.
Stacy, The Meaning of Life and Happiness can be summed up in one word...Accomplishment... and One needs to know how to recognize their personal accomplishment's.
It really doesn't matter if it is Art, Bonsai, Welding, Cooking, or some Cerebreal endeavor...
All endeavors can and usually are subject to the Evaluation & Opinions of others, this is how we measure, unfortunately...

Stacy, your OP reminds me of a person striving to finding a meaning to their Life & Life works, it appears you have chosen Art (as in painting) and Bonsai Trees, Two very difficult mediums because they are so dependent on the Opinions of others as opposed to the reality of Measurable efforts...
Van Gogh went Crazy trying to achieve Meaning & Fame in his lifetime...???
I started a small Metals fabricating business with $100 and took it to 4 million dollars in sales in 10 years, sold it and retired at 42 yrs of age & moved on to other meaningful and financially more rewarding efforts...
Almost all of my satisfactions came from Accomplishments in my fields of endeavor...
More to my story but not for here...
Personal note: Try to distinguish between the reality of your effort and the reality of your Life...
I thank you for you comments and I appreciate the advice... however, this thread really was not about me.

This thread was created to hopefully give people a voice to say what they, themselves have done, and what it is that they are happy that they have accomplished. And to tell them it is ok to be happy about this. That every once in a while you have to take a step back from what you haven't done, or can't do... and realize how far you have actually come already.
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