Am I Honest Enough.....

Yep, growing up, I was always an athlete and was a runner up until the age of 30. Then I let myself go. Between age 30 and 42, I basically did nothing and let myself get up to 230 lbs. (I'm 5'8" tall, so I was a fat ass.) I finally had enough of it and bought a treadmill off of craigslist because I was embarrassed to run outside in my condition. Being the anal spreadsheet type, I started tracking my runs. That was back in 2012 and I could barely run a mile at about 14 minute pace. About 6 months later, I was doing 10 miles at 10:30 pace and by the fall of 2013 I was down to 180 lbs and ran a half marathon at 8 minute pace. Since then I've run 3 marathons and I'm signed up for my 4th one this November. It's kinda like bonsai - just stick with it and time will do a lot of good things.
Nice! I was always athletic and in great shape until I got hurt in the military. After that, my story is roughly the same as yours... except I'm not running any mf-ing marathons! 🤪 ! I also lost 50 pounds for a few years but gained much of it back, so I've begun the transition again.
To be honest @hinmo24t . You and I both know that sorce is not going to go get a job at Costco or UPS. But he needs to change something. There is no reason though he can’t get to 100,000 in yearly pot sales he just has to update, not change, but update his mindset on how he gets there. Creative industry entrepreneurship is possible and there are systems in place to get you there.
It's pretty obvious that Sorce is a square peg who is not even bothering trying to fit into the round hole. But... he does have talent that can be capitalized on if he finds a way that works within our current economic framework.
We all have our own journey
Mine had homelessness, construction work, landscaping,military service, disability and the GI bill, university, grad school, …
I’ve had Some shitty jobs that paid well, and some great jobs at minimum wage.., it can be difficult for a free spirit/ creative person to find their place in the world, it takes, looking, and trying, and trial and error, introspection and some hunger, and a shot of luck and keeping your eyes open to seize opportunities. Some find their place young, some of us later.
I was a fat old cancer survivor before I found my place. Source is on his journey, and he has the courage to lay it out in public. I respect that.
I drive a truck that is old enough to drink, my contractors and those I supervise make more money than I do, but I am willing to ride my bike 15 miles to work in the morning, fight with my bosses to get the resources to get my job done, and get satisfaction from my work. That’s what Source is trying to do.
I hope he has success, however he wants to define it.
This thread is like River Fishing in Brackish water.

You cast not knowing what you're going to get and sometimes the catch is greater than you expected.

I appreciate most the individuality on display.

I don't think there is anything more important than knowing the scope of "human", to better understand, love and accept everyone, ourselves being the most important.

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