Am I Honest Enough.....


Nonsense Rascal
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Berwyn, Il
To find 235 Bonsai folks willing to lend me a thousand dollars?

She was denied for this mortgage loan only because she switched to a higher paying Job with a small gap she worked 2 part time jobs during.

I'd be paying 10% interest before 20 years or sooner, at least monthly.

I am reaching out because, well, it seems my other option is homelessness.

At least it's summer right!?

You are the only folks I know that may care enough to help me save my Family.

Any thoughts on other ways to come up with 235K are welcome.

Thank You for your Thoughts and Prayers.

My thoughts and outward-visualization rays with you, brother.
I’d be ALL over this.. if money was what I had to offer...

I will explore a few avenues, my dear friend.

If I end up receiving my Child Tax advance, I shall be able to help... most likely not much... but a lot comparatively to what I possess monetarily.. because for me.. it (money) is nothing..

I’d be glad to help out any OTHER way I could, also.

Would the seller be willing to finance the loan? (Instead of going to a bank?)

My buddy bought a building in Chicago and the old owners financed the loan. They got a stream of guaranteed payments, and he didn't have to go to the bank at a time that he didn't have a ton of cash flow.
Sorry to hear Sorce.

As Wulfskaar said, keep trying, don't give up

Doesn't make sense they would say 'no' cause she got a better job and was working 2 others
what's the back story?

We had a small fire in the place before my "windowsills on the 3rd floor" place. It's been rapid moves to anywhere out of necessity since. Ended up with her mom again around the "$100,000 dollar garden" thread when it was me able to almost make it happen. Then shortly after her mom's husband passed her mom skipped out before the lease ended so we ended up here at this "rent but may own" situation. Only due to the kindness of one of my son's baseball coaches who must have lent us...too much money.

Everything was going fine until she got fired from her Caregiving position for BS. That could be a long story but simply understood by the couple elderly folks who where shocked because, "you're the only one that actually cares about us". She couldn't be around the other abusive people there, so she would grab the pager phone thing and avoid them. One avoidance was a trip back outside shortly after punching in, they found their opportunity to oust a possible whistleblower then.

I feel like outside if this corrupt state, this doesn't happen as often. The only reason I'm trying to make a living for myself, is due to the same kinda BS. People stealing, guys almost killed on the job with iron that could crush their head. 2 employers I have worked for have had class action lawsuits against them, and one still owes me $2k+. I was happy to get my feelings about the corruptedness validated, but damn, why!?
My employment pattern was such that I was never going to be able to get the solid 2 years of employment they want to give a loan, so that had to change.

So I can't "help" due to being self employed. Even though when I did the math, including failures, I could stand to make near $100,000 a year selling pots at what would be....stupid affordable prices! That's my goal. I am thinking about adding ponds, Aquascapes, as one of my arts. Maybe flipping houses too. Just need a bit of stability to actually proceed.

I'm hoping Bonsai Folks see 20 years as a short amount of time. Truth is though, having somewhere to live and the peace that comes with it, we should be able to payback at least 3K, $3300 with interest, every month. That would mean I can get this paid back within 6 years. I can't believe how ridiculous the math is, I had to do it over like 100 times to believe it!

We live minimally, haven't even used air-conditioning spare a couple heatwaves, for like 18 years. I will never have "large expenses", because my preventative game is on point, and I've done, roofing, plumbing, Iron, brick, tile, etc. Fix our own vehicles. Plus we heal like starfish so we never have medical expenses. I'm building our pond to lessen food expenses and have "at home vacations". This house even appraised for about 30K more than were paying too.

The front story is....
Living to own a piece of Peace.

I could get these loans paid back myself within 20 years at the rookie rate I've been able to sell pots at. Truth is, I don't need anything else in life. The fact that she works 64 hours a week too is just extra!

I will do whatever it takes to make this legit. To ensure repayment.

Less than 235 people. It must be possible.

Thanks Again!

Would the seller be willing to finance the loan? (Instead of going to a bank?)

My buddy bought a building in Chicago and the old owners financed the loan. They got a stream of guaranteed payments, and he didn't have to go to the bank at a time that he didn't have a ton of cash flow.

I will look into this. Seems they weren't interested before but I don't know for certain.
I would still rather give someone else money, people that like free pots!

Look, I am sorry you are in this position, and it’s a deeply personal issue that most wouldn’t share here so openly, but since you opened that door, I’m walking in. Twice since joining this site I have gone through career changes which have meant no regular paychecks for a time. It’s stressful, and as the man of the house, that burden is very heavy. But you are barking up the wrong tree. You need a job. They are everywhere.
My employment pattern was such that I was never going to be able to get the solid 2 years of employment they want to give a loan, so that had to change.
I'm hoping Bonsai Folks see 20 years as a short amount of time.
I could get these loans paid back myself within 20 years at the rookie rate I've been able to sell pots at.

You won’t string together 2 years of employment to support your family, yet you ask relative strangers to extend 20 years of credit to support you?

Truth is, I don't need anything else in life. The fact that she works 64 hours a week too is just extra!

So I can't "help" due to being self employed.
Truth is, your wife is working her tail off and you are here posting. You are not self-employed, you are unemployed.

I will do whatever it takes to make this legit. To ensure repayment.

Whatever it takes looks like this: Get off here and go get a legit job that will pay you for your work, do the right thing to support your family.
Tough Love,
Shop around for both interest rates elsewhere and places for sale by owner that will self-finance as @B'Nut suggested. Make sure you steer clear of adjustable interest rates, 1970's inflation is just over the horizon. Go for a longer term and lower payments to guard against abrupt economic changes. Good Luck.
Look, I am sorry you are in this position, and it’s a deeply personal issue that most wouldn’t share here so openly, but since you opened that door, I’m walking in. Twice since joining this site I have gone through career changes which have meant no regular paychecks for a time. It’s stressful, and as the man of the house, that burden is very heavy. But you are barking up the wrong tree. You need a job. They are everywhere.

You won’t string together 2 years of employment to support your family, yet you ask relative strangers to extend 20 years of credit to support you?

Truth is, your wife is working her tail off and you are here posting. You are not self-employed, you are unemployed.

Whatever it takes looks like this: Get off here and go get a legit job that will pay you for your work, do the right thing to support your family.
Tough Love,
@Brian Van Fleet I read this post and thought this is probably the best piece of advice in this thread.
i respect you but agree with the above. i can barely drive by a business without a hiring sign these days. tough to make a year if you dont put in the days, and if the wind doesnt blow, take to the oars.

good luck to you. grinding it out/work anywhere, and it will promote you when youre not expecting it

I know you won’t want to hear anything I say, but I’ll give you my advice anyway.

The person you are not being honest with is YOURSELF. Really.

You want to get into building ponds? It’s hard work. But, based upon what little I know about you, it does sound like it could be something you could do. You are in Aquascape’s back yard, and they do have training.

However, I think the best course for you would NOT to try to start your own pond building business, but to go to work for an established pond builder. To see how it REALLY is, and it won’t just be some fantasy in your head. If after doing it for a couple years you want to make a go of it, then that’s great. But, you need to prove to yourself and your family you can stick with it.

I hired an Aquascape trained pond builder to build my pond, and let me tell you, he worked like a dog! He created a fabulous pond that he and I are very proud of. But, my gosh, it was hard work!

I know you are familiar with all the Greg Whitstock The Pond Guy videos on YouTube. He also has channels that are focused on the ‘how to’s” of pond building. You ought to watch those. And I think that if you contact them, they might could tell you if any of the local pond contractors are hiring. I’m pretty sure they would be.

Good luck.
You won’t string together 2 years of employment

It's not that I won't, just that I haven't been able to.

When you're the only person willing to work hard, it doesn't take long for cliques to form to get you fired. The last group tried to get me fired for shutting off the diesel truck before going into the shop, and gliding it in in Neutral.
When those are the guys with whom you must trust your life with at times, it makes the very difficult decision to move on, quite easy.

When you make less than enough to pay the bills, relying on commissions to earn enough, and your manager, who hired you speaking of a Team, steals your sales, it makes the difficult decision to move on, quite easy.

When you find a simpler calculation to figure the actual square footage of useable leather from a hide, which confuses the person training you, she gets you fired.

When you are collecting debts from Student Loans and you realize you are sending paperwork with missing or off (1of6) on the paperwork, making any sensible person think it's a scam, and request it gets fixed, which would make collecting the debt that much easier, and they don't edit it. You leave because you're counting on those commissions to live. The Government shut that place down. It may have been a scam!

I've caught some temporary work in between.

I have offers currently by 3 previous employers or coworkers for employment. We have decided to continue on this more righteous path I've dedicated myself to for now.

So the truth is...

I am self-employed, she works her tail off and of I can figure out how to work and take care of the kids, I'll do it.

I am not looking to relative strangers to support me.

I am looking for 235 people or less, to make an investment with little to no risk.
20 bonsai patient years max.
With a goal of 6 years.
To have what I thought we wanted....good, inexpensive, wicked cool bonsai pots!😜


They are hiring for warehouse and accounting, with one local contractor hiring for labor.

I was thinking about doing a stint with them to get my feet wet in a 4ft deep bottom drained pond with a negative edge and a upflow bog filter, for a while.

The hardest part is the logistics, of which I have been learning from my "old boss", the guy who I've had side work with since 98. He's obsessed with logistics and known as "King of the Impossible". I am "Prince of the Impossible"!

I watch those videos and see a dude standing dead in front of an excavators forward movement with boulder being slung into the bottom of the pond where he has no escape route. I respect them, but will they respect me?
I've seen a dudes leg broke with a set of steel stairs, bone hanging out broke. Same thing that would happen to that dude if anything unplanned happened. I find it hard to remain in those situations long, where I am partly responsible for the actions, and no one cares to be safe safe.

I appreciate you.

It's not that I won't, just that I haven't been able to.

When you're the only person willing to work hard, it doesn't take long for cliques to form to get you fired. The last group tried to get me fired for shutting off the diesel truck before going into the shop, and gliding it in in Neutral.
When those are the guys with whom you must trust your life with at times, it makes the very difficult decision to move on, quite easy.

When you make less than enough to pay the bills, relying on commissions to earn enough, and your manager, who hired you speaking of a Team, steals your sales, it makes the difficult decision to move on, quite easy.

When you find a simpler calculation to figure the actual square footage of useable leather from a hide, which confuses the person training you, she gets you fired.

When you are collecting debts from Student Loans and you realize you are sending paperwork with missing or off (1of6) on the paperwork, making any sensible person think it's a scam, and request it gets fixed, which would make collecting the debt that much easier, and they don't edit it. You leave because you're counting on those commissions to live. The Government shut that place down. It may have been a scam!

I've caught some temporary work in between.

I have offers currently by 3 previous employers or coworkers for employment. We have decided to continue on this more righteous path I've dedicated myself to for now.

So the truth is...

I am self-employed, she works her tail off and of I can figure out how to work and take care of the kids, I'll do it.

I am not looking to relative strangers to support me.

I am looking for 235 people or less, to make an investment with little to no risk.
20 bonsai patient years max.
With a goal of 6 years.
To have what I thought we wanted....good, inexpensive, wicked cool bonsai pots!😜

The bonsai pots can be a side hustle.

The pond business is seasonal. New ponds get build during the summer. The winter weather usually prevents pond construction. Especially where you live. So, that’s when you can make pots. Spring is when the “pond clean outs” servicing happens. There’s fall work, putting up nets to catch leaves and such.

There… I’ve given you a plan of action. You can get into the pond business, and have time for pot building.

The rest is up to you.
They are hiring for warehouse and accounting, with one local contractor hiring for labor.

I was thinking about doing a stint with them to get my feet wet in a 4ft deep bottom drained pond with a negative edge and a upflow bog filter, for a while.

The hardest part is the logistics, of which I have been learning from my "old boss", the guy who I've had side work with since 98. He's obsessed with logistics and known as "King of the Impossible". I am "Prince of the Impossible"!

I watch those videos and see a dude standing dead in front of an excavators forward movement with boulder being slung into the bottom of the pond where he has no escape route. I respect them, but will they respect me?
I've seen a dudes leg broke with a set of steel stairs, bone hanging out broke. Same thing that would happen to that dude if anything unplanned happened. I find it hard to remain in those situations long, where I am partly responsible for the actions, and no one cares to be safe safe.

I appreciate you.

I can tell you that the guy who built my pond was very concerned about safety. Yes, it does involve heavy machinery, and moving heavy rocks. And no, I don’t think they would apprecrate anyone turning off the diesel and “gliding in” unpowered. Seriously, that’s a dumbass move!

You want to become a pond builder? Take the Contractor’s labor job. Do what they say, and keep your mouth shut.

good luck.
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