Almost Tree....

Same here, they'll show up one day and cut a giant (V) into a big ass tree, they tell you before hand but they don't care what you have to say about it.


Yeah, makes for some pretty funky lookin trees.
Yeah, makes for some pretty funky lookin trees.
That's why trees shouldn't be planted under PowerLine.
I've gutted or turned many a tree into goalposts looking trees. Maples mostly. Silver maples to be exact. Junk,fast growing silver maples.
@M. Frary

I had a friend who got shocked out of a tree and his shoes when we were little...

I will show him!

@M. Frary

I had a friend who got shocked out of a tree and his shoes when we were little...

I will show him!

I just worry when I see someone in a tree. Even guys I've worked with for years that I know know the dangers. I'm the Regional Safety Supervisor and it's my job.
I've been an arborist 31 years and stupid things happen so fast.
But like I said,he has talent and if he still likes climbing trees when he's grown up he can work in line clearance or better yet a linesman. Big money. Scary adrenaline packed work. My wife says were all little boys and adrenaline junkies.
You're never more alive than after you've almost died.
Learning to climb trees is something I thought all kids learn, and are encouraged to learn. Then when my sons friends would come over they couldn't even lift themselves into the big maple tree! Seems like a lot of these modern folks have lost their connection to the trees!

Begin to worry when they ask for a step ladder and fall protection.
Lovely little boy! Children at his age are little angels!
... ...Some lady told my wife the other day that this one is going to be just like me... ...
Yes, of course! He looks after you so much!

PS: By the way I'm against posting children's pictures/video on the internet.....
I got my first little boy on the way in July. Already looking forward to getting into all kinds of trouble with him and the dog on adventures in the woods!
Went lookimg for a different video and found this one.

My older one is Cam. Cammy Cammolo.

Hence, mini molo.

I thimk Bean came about two days later..


Toughen up session at 5 days old!

20170601_192142.jpg 20170601_192139.jpg 20170601_192119.jpg

Just made 5 last month.

So last night we went to the park.
My daughter picks up boy and drags him over to me..
"He keeps trying to fight"

Blah, blah...

"I gotta be honest dad, they kicked him first."

That's when I let him.

This is the second time kids about 9 or ten want to pick on my kid...
And the second time he didn't back down!

"Dad, I beat up 9 year olds!"

The last one probly had almost 50lbs on my boy.

This one, at least thirty pounds and a foot and a half bigger.

I've seen this kid play fighting with two boys at baseball , both just as much bigger than he, and he was tossing them around!

These kids don't want it with my little McGregor!

Best thing is, he is a Friggin sweetheart, very well on point with right and wrong....

I can't wait for the day that shitty parent realizes their badass kid got whooped by a five year old!

If not baseball....MMA for sure!

Awesome boy you have there. Can me and my wife have him? She is an arborist and recreational tree climber. She could show him the ropes.
Come to think of it, never mind. Its hard enough to get her down for dinner.
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