Diane Lund
From my feeble memory. Double Red Line Akadama is fired or heated to 800° C. That will kill any organism in it.
Again, the importer needs to have a conversation with the Dept. of Agriculture supervisor at the port of entry. Find out if their regulations recognize this and then get a certificate from the shipper who gets a certificate from the manufacturer that states the heat treatment. The stuff is well sterilized and I don't think it needs to be destroyed. The key is to be humble and try and get the order reversed. Don't know how far the importer is from the port, but if they use a Customs House Broker for importation that Broker can have the conversation with Dept. of Ag rep on behalf of the importer. I wouldn't let this go if it were my investment.
BTW, the shipper should have offered and provided the certificate up front. It should have been attached to the shipping documents. If it had been Agriculture would have had it in hand when the shipment landed.
The Double Red Line is not heat treated. There are other brands that are heat treated but to my knowledge Double Red Line does not make one. The company has recently changed ownership. I can't help but think the new owners have not been as quality conscious and are mining the product to close to the soil surface thus getting organic particles.