i figured I would try to air layer an interesting portion of trunk/branching from a wild Siberian elm this summer on a whim after the leaves hardened off.
Lookin at cutting it free, and potting now. My question, do I leave some/any branches (some will be near 6') or can I cut back to what I want to keep, essentially bare trunk? I am confident there are not enough new roots to support all the foliage that is on the branch. With elm, does the foliage drive root development or vise-versa?
Lookin at cutting it free, and potting now. My question, do I leave some/any branches (some will be near 6') or can I cut back to what I want to keep, essentially bare trunk? I am confident there are not enough new roots to support all the foliage that is on the branch. With elm, does the foliage drive root development or vise-versa?