Ailing coast redwood


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Seattle, WA
I've had this coast redwood that has been growing vigorously in a deep pot for the last three years from a sappling. This spring I moved it into an Anderson flat style pot to start moving into the direction of eventual bonsai pots. When I did it went from a very organic mix with lava rock in it to being filled in with APL. I also cut back a lot of roots to get it into a shallower pot. It was maybe a 50% root reduction.

I got a good spring flush out of it. But now it's starting to have red brown needles. It gets full sun and is sitting on my deck. I water twice daily.

Some parts are more affected than others. I would say the farther from the roots the more brown it's getting.

I'm unsure what's up with it and my best remedy. I'm considering:
  • lifting it up off the deck, which gets quite warm in the sun. I don't think I have space for it on my main bench.
  • More shade
  • Cutting it back because I didn't really trim it during repotting.
  • I don't think I'm over or under watering but 🤷‍♂️


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Don’t these really enjoy ambient humidity? Has it been especially dry where you are? Could also be sulking from going from a heavy organic soil to inorganic.
I keep mine in 50% shadecloth year round, and 100% akadama. I would move to the shade, and maybe up the akadama in your mix next year so it holds more water.
Yep, Coast Redwoods really don’t prefer full sun in the Seattle area for sure. We routinely do 50-60% root reductions with all redwoods.

But last year we transitioned all into a top half bare root - replace with bonsai media and about mid July they started to look like dying cockroaches. So put in morning sun afternoon shade on the ground and watered deeply twice a day. They went through the year with no further damage.

This year all is well in part sun. But I dug the pots partly into the ground jic.

DSD sends
Thanks all, I've rearranged some things to that the tree will be shaded by the rest of the bench rather than full blast all day.
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