Advise to model a Chinese elm raised from seed. 1.5 years


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Hi there.

i raised this chinese elm from seed. its been more less 1.5 years would you help out advising me how to model it?

best regards.



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Let it grow.....It needs to thicken the trunk by growing for a few more years. In the meantime.....
Google "Chinese Elm Bonsai" and explore the "Images" tab and see what kind of tree direction appeals to you. Save those images in your idea folder/album. That's where I'd start. Then learn and grow toward that direction. There are thousands of Chinese Elm bonsai tree directions. And.....once started you might change directions as the tree starts to grow the way it wants to grow. My thoughts.
I would say the first thing to do would be to wire the trunk and put some movement in the trunk. The bends should be greater than you want in the final design. As the tree grows and the trunk thickens the curves will reduce.

Also make sure the bends are in all directions. To the left, right, front and back. Make sure the top of the tree points towards your chosen front. Also if you are going to keep my branches place the curve so they are on the outside of the curves.
Hello there.
This tree has a long way to go to get it where you want it but its a good start.
I Agree with the other posts start by putting some movement in the trunk and start getting that right first along with the trees root flare (nabari).
Initially thats where you should focus your energy.
Reasearch growing a trunk and getting the nabari right (root flare).
i would not worry to much about branches and foliage just yet as most of the branches on the tree as it is will more than likely not be used in your final design.
To advance development quickest maybe plant it in the ground outside as this is the quickest way to progress the tree.
If you cant plant in the garden, maybe look into building a grow box and keep enlarging it as the tree grows over the years.
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I haven’t grown elms from seed , I have mother trees I take cuttings from , last years cork bark elms planted up in various size pots , the ones in deep pots are nearly a meter high , they will be used for my live hedging , I group planted 5 lots in bonsai pots and will try grafting them all together , sorry I can’t help with the growing from seed , all my cuttings stay in lean to for couple of weeks then go up on shelf outside and get morning an evening sun 🌞
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