Acers struggling

Danny boy

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I potted up a number of Acers early Spring, all of which have thrived in bonsai pots and are growing like teenage kids. Two others I potted up in very shallow dishes, BUT they are glazed inside. These two have begun to droop and they are starting to look more like old men than teenagers. Any advice, particularly about he glazed v un-glazed pots. Many thanks. Dan
I potted up a number of Acers early Spring, all of which have thrived in bonsai pots and are growing like teenage kids. Two others I potted up in very shallow dishes, BUT they are glazed inside. These two have begun to droop and they are starting to look more like old men than teenagers. Any advice, particularly about he glazed v un-glazed pots. Many thanks. Dan


Glazed pot will retain more moisture than unglazed that allow more breathing.
I think it important to re-consider substrate choice and size when repotting from one to the other and vice-versa!
Glazed interior probably has nothing to do with. The shallow depth probably does. Shallow pots can expose more root zone, as well as cause watering issues-drooping leaves is sign they are not getting enough water.

Also, FWIW, new leaves on maples droop naturally for a while in the spring, as leaf tissue develops...
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