Acer Rubrum (Red Maple) #2

Worked this tree today. @Bonsai Nut, can you change the number in the title thread to #11? Thanks.

Very vigorous grower. Figured now would be a good time to reduce vigor and internode length and stimulate re-allocation of energy into producing new buds and shoots.

View attachment 376292

After preliminary cut back of extensions to first internode:
View attachment 376291

Top down:
View attachment 376288

Cut paste on any larger cuts that Id like to make sure heal well or are close to other branches which I dont want to die off:
View attachment 376290

Probable future front:
View attachment 376289

Tree needs a repot next year which I noted in my spreadsheet.
View attachment 376293
Very nice chart! Do you have strength of fertilizer?
Very nice chart! Do you have strength of fertilizer?

I apply a slow release osmocote 14-14-14 after first flush, so... around June 21. After that, I hit with water soluble organic fertilizer twice a month on the weekends from about July 21st Up to September. Don't fertilize in early spring, your internodes will be too long to do anything with in the future.
But if I were growing to chop everything back in a few years heavy growth and long internodes are good things right? I was looking at Osmocote vegetable as the fertilizer. It says it lasts up to 6 months. Good to see that you were able to supplement with more fertilizer during that time. And right up to the end of summer. I heard that stopping fertilizer in the fall was actually a myth and that a tree likes fertilizer for preparation and a boost to hardiness as all that would be stored by the trees roots for spring
You can fertilize in fall but because of Rubrum's vigor, I hold back to keep growth in check.

If you are growing for girth. You dont care about long internodes at the end of the branches, but you still want short internodes at parts of the plant youll be keeping becaue thats where the tree will back bud when you chop. So tight internodes at parts youre keeping.

I grow my trees slowly, and dont look for maximum growth all at once. Thats my decision and process. You can have yours. 😁 rubrum add about 1/4" - 1/2" girth a year in a pot the year after a repot depending on pot size. They slow to about an 1/8" a year the year of a repot or once they get rootbound from my notes.
Heres this one so far this spring. Should grow well! Its in it's rest year.

Happy with this one too!!!

Previous front...

Thinking of making the current back the front. Theres no large scar on the trunk on this side. Still has good branching
Fertilized today. Surprised it didnt push much new growth after the May prune.

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