Was given this Acer palmatum today. 
Main trunk has died off unless there's chance of any new buds appearing on it? And has a hollow base with no budds or leaves on the top.

The other sides show less the dead parts or hollow trunk but no clear interesting side.

Do u think a jinned main trunk with the hollow dead wood and restarting with one of the branches as a new trunk works for an acer palmatum or is this better left for conifers?
Any advice on potential plan or style or pics of maples with jinned thick trunks and hollow dead wood would be great as well.

Main trunk has died off unless there's chance of any new buds appearing on it? And has a hollow base with no budds or leaves on the top.

The other sides show less the dead parts or hollow trunk but no clear interesting side.

Do u think a jinned main trunk with the hollow dead wood and restarting with one of the branches as a new trunk works for an acer palmatum or is this better left for conifers?
Any advice on potential plan or style or pics of maples with jinned thick trunks and hollow dead wood would be great as well.