Imperial Masterpiece
I can jump high and low about this, but the fact of the matter is that I despise maples.
I think they're too susceptible to disease. I don't like their status either, but I have that same problem with the king of bonsai: JBP.
But there's a first for everything, and this is my second maple.
It's not even my maple anyways, it's owned by a forum member that I forgot.. I promised him that if I ever owned a maple, it would be his. So whoever you are, I'm fine taking care of it for now. But we have to agree that at some point, that my care has outweighed your investment of a single comment. After that point I might keep it for myself, or not..
This thread is meant as a funky way to track its progression, and maybe piss on maples some more.
My arakawa was ordered from esveld.nl (not a big fan, but they deliver, albeit late, after a couple calls). It's a grafted specimen about a pencil thick. It's about two feet tall. 50-60 cm or so.
I took a couple cuttings that are inside under low intensity LED, with bottom heat, in a glass beer mug with sphagnum/perlite. Don't believe they'll make it, but what the heck. I need something to do in these times.
The planning is to air layer the parent tree it after it produced some foliage. Then work it out from there. Maybe jam it in the ground on a tile or something. Not sure yet.
I'll put up a picture tomorrow.
I think they're too susceptible to disease. I don't like their status either, but I have that same problem with the king of bonsai: JBP.
But there's a first for everything, and this is my second maple.
It's not even my maple anyways, it's owned by a forum member that I forgot.. I promised him that if I ever owned a maple, it would be his. So whoever you are, I'm fine taking care of it for now. But we have to agree that at some point, that my care has outweighed your investment of a single comment. After that point I might keep it for myself, or not..
This thread is meant as a funky way to track its progression, and maybe piss on maples some more.
My arakawa was ordered from esveld.nl (not a big fan, but they deliver, albeit late, after a couple calls). It's a grafted specimen about a pencil thick. It's about two feet tall. 50-60 cm or so.
I took a couple cuttings that are inside under low intensity LED, with bottom heat, in a glass beer mug with sphagnum/perlite. Don't believe they'll make it, but what the heck. I need something to do in these times.
The planning is to air layer the parent tree it after it produced some foliage. Then work it out from there. Maybe jam it in the ground on a tile or something. Not sure yet.
I'll put up a picture tomorrow.