Acer "nebari" un-contest


I searched foot fetish to find this thread!

Colin....your Xmas gift!

Now let's see some more feet!

I'm calling for maples and foot(s). maple with your nebari

DSCN2507.JPG DSCN2504.JPG First ya want foot(s) then ya want nebari, bit of an oxymoron ya got going there. But I'll bite. You can see my foot(s) and my first raft. Trust me, the nebari is there, but with the athletes foot and toenail fungus, well, you don't want to see it (or smell it). Someone gave me the pot so I started to determine what to put in it. Saw some raft photo's and went with this. Hopefully I'll be able to pull the vine maple "seed log" branch up out of the dirt eventually to include it in the character of this display. If I'm able to accomplish it, you'll see that nebari then (I know, I can simply smash the pot away but that wouldn't be kosher).

Nice sandal tan lines, right? Bit of a bruise on the ol' kankle....couple of sticks....that marble slab is heavy, if you was curious....yukyuk...:eek::p:rolleyes:
I'm rocking that sandaline too!

But I been going barefoot lately!

The dog pees on this regularly.

Haha; I created this monster . . . might as well keep it alive.

View attachment 89983

Merry Christmas, Happy Festivus for the rest of us, and all that jazz!
Gangsta tat Colin. I never got one before... Couldn't think of anything I wanted to have on my body the rest of my life. I am too damn old to try to be "cool" any more now so I recon I never will get one.
Gangsta tat Colin. I never got one before... Couldn't think of anything I wanted to have on my body the rest of my life. I am too damn old to try to be "cool" any more now so I recon I never will get one.
May I invite you to the Dark Side with a thong?
May I invite you to the Dark Side with a thong?
What makes you think I am not wearing one now? ;)

Wait what did you say about a thong up your dark side?

Is that how we stay "cool" when we get old?

Thank all that is Holly Colin did not name this the "THONG" Un-nebari thread!
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