Acacia keeps getting yellow


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Western High Rockies Colorado
I keep getting yellowing on my rabbit ear acacia, these photos are mild, I've had it much more severe. The yellowed twigs come off with a very light pluck.

I can't tell if I'm over or under watering? It's very dry here and I generally water it once a day. Usually the top inch of soil Is dry by next day. I mist it about 5x a week as well.

could it also be temperature related if it's getting down to about 45f at night and back to 80f during the day?
I have the same thing happening this time of the year with a couple of my Robinias. I don't have a solution, just want to point out that these are compound leaves. The yellow "twigs" that come off are leaf petioles. So it's the equivalent of a single leaf turning yellow and falling off on a tree with simple leaves.
western high rockies sounds freezing... :D
my acacias yellow a lot and it normally seems to be sun scorch or under watering...
It isn't anything to be too concerned about - just part of their makeup...
Your tree looks healthy.
I have the same thing happening this time of the year with a couple of my Robinias. I don't have a solution, just want to point out that these are compound leaves. The yellow "twigs" that come off are leaf petioles. So it's the equivalent of a single leaf turning yellow and falling off on a tree with simple leaves.
Ah thank you! Always good to know the proper terminology
western high rockies sounds freezing... :D
my acacias yellow a lot and it normally seems to be sun scorch or under watering...
It isn't anything to be too concerned about - just part of their makeup...
Your tree looks healthy.
Thank you! Good to know. I think it's time to start bringing it inside at night for sure haha. Got down to 40 last night
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