Thank you Katie! Well, I hear you but also keep in mind that I have been doing this for a while. Bonsai is not easy. It takes experience and lots of failures before things begin to click. God knows I still have my failures. Is all part of it. Much like practicing any other art form. To give you some perspective, I have been at it for close to 30 years. Easily, 20 of those I spent fumbling around. It only has been the last 10 years or so that I began to see!
Keep attending your workshops and cozy up to those whose work your admire. Ask questions. A million of them. And fail many times over. One day you'll see the light and things will be that much clearer.
One last piece of advice, try and always keep an open mind!
And yeah, I do miss the good Cuban food I used to have when I lived in Miami!! My mom made some great dishes as well but unfortunately I lost her last year. May she rest in peace!