ABAS November 2021 presents Sergio Cuan


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Sacramento, CA

Very nice presentation by Sergio for the American Bonsai Association Sacramento. Its was weird hearing his voice after just reading so many of his posts though I don't know what I was expecting him to sound like.

Thank you @MACH5 for a very nice and informative presentation. Si habla espanol tambien? 😜

Very nice presentation by Sergio for the American Bonsai Association Sacramento. Its was weird hearing his voice after just reading so many of his posts though I don't know what I was expecting him to sound like.

Thank you @MACH5 for a very nice and informative presentation. Si habla espanol tambien? 😜

LOL thanks @Moridin. Now you know I have an accent. So hopefully not entirely disappointing!? Yes, I speak both Spanish and English fluently. Born in Havana, Cuba.

I'll be making my rounds this year throughout the US for in-person demos and workshops (pandemic permitting). So I may end up near your friendly neighborhood one day! :p
LOL thanks @Moridin. Now you know I have an accent. So hopefully not entirely disappointing!? Yes, I speak both Spanish and English fluently. Born in Havana, Cuba.

I'll be making my rounds this year throughout the US for in-person demos and workshops (pandemic permitting). So I may end up near your friendly neighborhood one day! :p

If you do make it to Sactown please let me know and I'll buy you a beer, it's the least I could do for all the knowledge you share with us.

Soy un gringo pero mi padrino es de michoacan y hablo espanol por todo mi vida. 😉
Now you know I have an accent. So hopefully not entirely disappointing
So I may end up near your friendly neighborhood one day! :p
Disappointing no, charming yes, just how I thought you would sound! My friendly neighborhood is a bustling metropolis of 700 people (not sure how many of those are in the 2 nursing homes.) We have a robust bonsai community, well just me, but if you show up I will feed you well!!!!

Very nice presentation by Sergio for the American Bonsai Association Sacramento. Its was weird hearing his voice after just reading so many of his posts though I don't know what I was expecting him to sound like.

Thank you @MACH5 for a very nice and informative presentation. Si habla espanol tambien? 😜
u need to get with the program! 🙂 I also highly recommend the episode with Nao Totutake on bonsai pottery.
Amazing video! Am enjoying it and could go on and on with superlatives but I'm making a short list of questions Sergio and hope it won't be a burden for you.

As a beginner it's stunning to see and hear what you've done but as someone who also has a BFA, taught and always worked as a professional it frustrates me that I don't see what you see. Very frustrating. Usually I can't 'not' see what needs to be done in whatever creative project. Am always looking and can't 'not' see but I'm struggling to see what you saw...I see the good tree but you saw how to make it great! It boggles my mind.

I've been taking workshops but won't start learning to wire for another two weeks at a workshop...Hope the questions I'll have will help others but I can't not ask. You're a good teacher too. Thank you for making this video and sharing your work. Am watching it a segment at a time.

In south Florida many if not most of the citizens are from Cuba and Puerto Rico also. When we're there we eat Cuban food three times a day. It's the best, the real deal! I didn't really think about your accent. Many of our friends were either born in Cuba or their parents immigrated from there. It adds a richness to someones persona I think but in Florida it's not uncommon to have an accent. Am always fascinated when a friend can switch from English to Spanish and back again in seconds.
If you do make it to Sactown please let me know and I'll buy you a beer, it's the least I could do for all the knowledge you share with us.

Soy un gringo pero mi padrino es de michoacan y hablo espanol por todo mi vida. 😉

Thank you, I sure will.

Muchas gracias! Sera un placer tomarme una cerveza contigo!
Disappointing no, charming yes, just how I thought you would sound! My friendly neighborhood is a bustling metropolis of 700 people (not sure how many of those are in the 2 nursing homes.) We have a robust bonsai community, well just me, but if you show up I will feed you well!!!!

Thank you Carol! I will definitely take you up on your kind offer if I ever find myself near you 😊
Amazing video! Am enjoying it and could go on and on with superlatives but I'm making a short list of questions Sergio and hope it won't be a burden for you.

As a beginner it's stunning to see and hear what you've done but as someone who also has a BFA, taught and always worked as a professional it frustrates me that I don't see what you see. Very frustrating. Usually I can't 'not' see what needs to be done in whatever creative project. Am always looking and can't 'not' see but I'm struggling to see what you saw...I see the good tree but you saw how to make it great! It boggles my mind.

I've been taking workshops but won't start learning to wire for another two weeks at a workshop...Hope the questions I'll have will help others but I can't not ask. You're a good teacher too. Thank you for making this video and sharing your work. Am watching it a segment at a time.

In south Florida many if not most of the citizens are from Cuba and Puerto Rico also. When we're there we eat Cuban food three times a day. It's the best, the real deal! I didn't really think about your accent. Many of our friends were either born in Cuba or their parents immigrated from there. It adds a richness to someones persona I think but in Florida it's not uncommon to have an accent. Am always fascinated when a friend can switch from English to Spanish and back again in seconds.

Thank you Katie! Well, I hear you but also keep in mind that I have been doing this for a while. Bonsai is not easy. It takes experience and lots of failures before things begin to click. God knows I still have my failures. Is all part of it. Much like practicing any other art form. To give you some perspective, I have been at it for close to 30 years. Easily, 20 of those I spent fumbling around. It only has been the last 10 years or so that I began to see!

Keep attending your workshops and cozy up to those whose work your admire. Ask questions. A million of them. And fail many times over. One day you'll see the light and things will be that much clearer.

One last piece of advice, try and always keep an open mind!

And yeah, I do miss the good Cuban food I used to have when I lived in Miami!! My mom made some great dishes as well but unfortunately I lost her last year. May she rest in peace! 🙏😪
@MACH5 Do you list your upcoming demos and/or workshops any where? I'd love to come see you in person.

Hi Gary. I probably will list them all on my website soon. The closest I'll be to you will be in Massachusetts at New England Bonsai Gardens in mid October of this year.
Thank you Katie! Well, I hear you but also keep in mind that I have been doing this for a while. Bonsai is not easy. It takes experience and lots of failures before things begin to click. God knows I still have my failures. Is all part of it. Much like practicing any other art form. To give you some perspective, I have been at it for close to 30 years. Easily, 20 of those I spent fumbling around. It only has been the last 10 years or so that I began to see!

Keep attending your workshops and cozy up to those whose work your admire. Ask questions. A million of them. And fail many times over. One day you'll see the light and things will be that much clearer.

One last piece of advice, try and always keep an open mind!

And yeah, I do miss the good Cuban food I used to have when I lived in Miami!! My mom made some great dishes as well but unfortunately I lost her last year. May she rest in peace! 🙏😪
So sorry to hear about your mom, my sincere sympathies.
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