Due to my love of bonsai, i have grown to appreciate some of mother natures weirder creations.
Several years ago, i got to see my first mutant cactus and like bonsai, it was love at first sight.
I believe its damage to the apical meristem that creates this mutation in nature.
I find them just as attractive as my trees and enjoy having them sitting between my bonsai (well, potensia) like accent plantings...its one hell of a dose of eye candy!
I only have a few at the moment but heres pics and details (check out some of the botanical names).
First up...here we have a - Myrtillocactus geometrizan cristata "Elite'.
The foam packing is so the plant stays where it is in the pot until it has a stronger root system (purchased bare rooted and root system still developing).
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Number 2 is a rare - Cereus peruvianus var. monstruosus f. variegatus hort.
Tied into its pot for stability as again, the root system is still developing (purchased bare rooted).
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Number 3 is a - Cereus monstrose ‘Minima’ crest
Love the contrast of the red spines against the dark green, gnarly cactus skin.
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And number 4 - Cereus ‘Ming Thing’ (Cereus
forbesii f. monstuosus).
View attachment 459400
Besides our love of bonsai, does anyone else have a fascination with the weird and wonderful?