A Shout Out To Our Leader

Carol 83

Flower Girl
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I just wanted to send a big thank you to our @Bonsai Nut for taking the time on a Saturday night and Sunday to help me fix some stupid thing I did that disabled my emojis. As is evident, I am not all that savvy technologically. This site is here because of him and for one I am thankful for all he does. I'm so glad I found this forum. I have learned SO much, as well as made a few friends along the way. Please join me in sharing my appreciation.
I got a design, it didn’t get much love when I posted it.
I think the t-shirts thing is more of running joke at this point.
People have been talking about it for years, but I think merchandising is more than he wants to take on alongside BNut and whatever his day job is.
Yes thank you so much!!!!! Along with the rest of you this site is a tree saver for sure I've learned so much from the great folks on here willing to share their knowledge thanks again
Not to flog a dead horse but the t-shirt thing can be done pretty easily. There are several services where you simply submit the design and then they create a link for you so people can order their choice of size and color. The shirts are printed per order and drop shipped and funds are distributed. There’s a bunch of Etsy folks that do this.
Its a tough job and few could do it. I could give you a very long list of people whom I am glad have not taken up the gauntlet, myself included.
Greg is indeed a very rare individual who has befriended a very large community of nuts.
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